Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Yoga + Pranayama for the Spine - Yoga With Adriene

Yoga + Pranayama for the Spine - Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- Hey everyone, welcome to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene, and this is Benji,
and today we have an awesome practice of yoga
and pranayama for the spine.
So this is a season where we're all trying to get fit
and ripped and blah, blah, blah,
and that's really great but today is just a wonderful,
beautiful, hopefully very kind reminder
to not put the cart before the horse,
to really focus on the inner ecosystem,
knowing that that will absolutely have an effect
on our beautiful outer ecosystem.
So hop into something comfy and get ready to breathe deep,
and let's get started.
(upbeat music)
All right my darling friends,
let's begin in a comfortable seat.
Cross your legs or your ankles, sit up nice and tall.
If you want to kick it old-school,
move the fleshy part of the buttocks aside,
so you can feel your
sits bones really rooting to the ground.
That's fabulous.
Just take a couple actions on your own
to get settled in so that you can eventually find
a little stillness.
So the invitation is there to really take what you need,
fix your hair, pull up your drawers, get situated.
And then as you're ready,
we'll begin to sit up a little taller,
and invite a deeper breath in.
And out.
And while we are trying to honor our time and
keep up with the pace of things,
this is your time to slow down.
So in particular, with the spring and summer seasons
in my culture, things start to amp up.
And while it's good to embrace the active energy,
the sunshine,
shed some weight,
be light,
it doesn't always mean harder, faster.
We want to make sure we're tending to
the inner ecosystem, the energetic body,
as well as the outer body.
So today's practice is a great full body practice,
but we're coming at it from the focus of the spine,
and the energy that runs up and down the center channel,
the sacred line of the spine.
Relax your shoulders and if you can, close your eyes here,
I'll guide you with my voice.
Again, just slowly arriving here in the present moment,
and there's an invitation to sit up a little taller,
and as you're ready,
breathe more fully, deeper breaths.
And then just see what's going on today, what's coming up?
What distractions are there,
either in the room with you, or inside?
And then notice the thoughts that are coming up,
and then acknowledge them.
And notice the sensations that are arising in the body
as you come into stillness and acknowledge them.
(birds chirping)
I can hear some little birds chirping outside my window.
Just notice any sounds,
just kind of take in the quality of the air.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
And now shift your attention
with purpose towards the sound of your breath,
so we start to focus now more on the sound of the breath.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Notice if you want to fidget,
if you want to pause the video
or if you want to choose a new one,
see if you can kind of lean into this moment,
just accept where you are and be present.
We talk about it all the time in yoga, being present,
being in the now.
Today, allow each now to be another
step toward the next now,
a doorway to the next present moment.
So just keep going.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
So we're sitting up nice and tall,
we're listening to the sound of the breath,
we're coming into the role of the observer,
and then just very easy, we're gonna start to move the head
so you can go one ear over one shoulder,
or you can soften it and make it a little more fluid,
but just soft, gentle movements as you
tick tock the head a little, side to side,
and keep your eyes closed,
and start to lift up a little more
through the chest, the heart.
And as you tick tock the head back and forth
or maybe find a soft motion,
I always think of this as like my ode to Mr. Stevie Wonder.
As you start to move the head a little bit here,
sometimes it helps to keep the eyes closed,
see your spine for the crown to the tail,
so really want to integrate the neck today.
And then continue to breathe nice full breaths.
And then bring it back to center and open the eyes.
Here we go, spreading the fingertips,
squeeze the shoulders up to the ears,
spread your fingertips, and then exhale,
relax the shoulders down the back body,
hands come to the tops of the thighs.
Beautiful, inhale in through the nose.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, SH sound out through the mouth.
(exhaling deeply)
Two more times, see if you can make your exhale
longer than mine.
Big inhale, lift your heart, sit up nice and tall.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, navel draws in, SH sound.
(exhaling deeply)
Empty, empty, empty, so much so that your next inhale
is just naturally big and beautiful and buoyant.
(inhaling deeply)
And one more time.
(exhaling deeply)
Empty, empty, empty everything out.
And then inhale, big full breath.
Awesome work, we're gonna draw the left heel in,
right ankle to follow, and reach the arms all the way up
and overhead on a big inhale.
Here we go, spreading the fingertips, inhale.
Reach for the sky.
Sit up nice and tall.
As you inhale, send the breath down to your lower belly.
So fingertips are reaching up, breath is traveling down.
Imagine you're holding a big beach ball
up and overhead.
Thumbs back, pinkies forward.
Inhale, reach, stand up,
little bit taller through the spine.
And then exhale, ground down through the thighs.
(exhaling deeply)
Again, inhale, lift and lengthen up through the spine.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, ground down through the hips, the thighs, the feet.
Great, one more time, inhale.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, rain it down, take the hands forward.
(exhaling deeply)
And we start to open up through the right hip.
And then you can repeat the tick tock of the head here.
You can find a little sway,
or maybe you soften into some stillness
and allow the breath to move you,
relaxing then weight of the head over.
(exhaling deeply)
Continue to listen, listen to the sound of your breath,
listen to the sensations that are arriving today.
(inhales and exhaling deeply)
And then ground down through the sit bones,
tuck the chin and roll it up.
Allow your right heel to come in, left ankle to follow.
And again, we inhale, spread the fingertips nice and slow.
Stand up nice and tall through the spine
so all four sides of the torso are lengthening.
Really maximizes, stretch your lift and lengthen.
(inhaling deeply)
Then exhale, find places to ground,
take your big beach ball overhead,
lots of energy in the fingertips.
Tuck the chin just slightly, breathe in, inhale.
(inhaling deeply) And exhale.
(exhaling deeply)
Inhale, fill the lungs.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, ground down through the thighs.
(exhaling deeply)
One more breath, inhale, lift and lengthen.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale, rain it down, take it forward,
start to open up through the left hip.
And find what feels good here,
continue to listen to the sound of your breath.
Pay attention.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
And ground down through the sit bones,
use your hands to press you all the way back up.
Hands come to the heart, Anjali Mudra, inhale,
lift the sternum to the thumbs.
Exhale, chin to chest, navel draws back, rounding through,
crown of the head towards the earth.
Inhale, lift and lengthen, lift the chin this time.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale, chin to chest,
rounding through the shoulders, round forward.
And one more time, inhale, lift and lengthen.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale.
See if you can really maximize the length of stretch
in the upper back body.
(exhaling deeply)
Beautiful, interlace the fingertips here,
press the palms forward up and back,
let this lift you up, pinkies reach all the way back.
Inhale in and exhale out through the mouth.
Cactus arms, bend the elbows, rain it down.
(exhaling deeply)
Alright, we're gonna come forward onto all fours,
take your time getting there.
When you arrive, find a nice, neutral spine.
And for today's Tabletop Position,
we're gonna curl the toes under first thing.
Spread the palms super wide.
As you're ready, take your gaze straight down,
creating one nice, long line from the crown to the tail.
So hug the upper body up to meet the back body here.
And with the toes curled under, we'll inhale in,
exhale, lift the knees.
Let them hover.
(inhaling deeply)
Create a little fire in the belly as you draw the navel up.
(exhaling deeply)
Lengthen through the back of the neck.
So the neck is a nice, long extension of the spine.
Then elbow creases, shine forward here,
soft bend in the elbows.
We're here for five,
two, and headed to Downward Facing Dog on the one,
straighten the legs, lift the hips up high.
Walk the palms out, nice, wide dog here to start,
and then start to bend the knees and pedal it out.
(exhaling deeply)
Find a nice, full deep breath here.
(inhaling deeply)
Sending breath to the lower belly,
as you stretch out the feet, stretch out the ankles.
Keep the elbow creases shining forward.
Upper arm bones rotating externally.
Right arm out to the right,
left arm out to the left,
lots of space between the ears and the shoulders.
Now bend your knees generously.
Everyone, belly comes towards the tops of the thighs.
And play with this connection of all fingertips
pressing into the earth,
so much so that you're taking all the pressure
out of your wrists here.
Beautiful, lift up a little higher through the hip creases,
you got this, then last but not least,
support your back body by hugging the lower ribs in.
So hug those lower ribs, engage the abdominals.
Beautiful, slowly lower the knees,
bring the big toes to touch,
knees as wide as your yoga mat.
Inhale, loop the shoulders,
pull them back away from the ears, look forward.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale, send the hips, the buttocks, everything on back.
Extended Child's Pose.
Fingertips actively reach towards the front edge.
And then allow the heart to gently melt down,
forehead comes to the mat.
(inhaling deeply)
And we reconnect to the sound of the breath, your spirit.
Your soul.
(inhaling deeply)
Breathe into the upper back body.
(exhaling deeply)
Feel the breath as you breathe in.
Feel the upper back body rise as you breathe out,
feel the shoulder girdle, the heart melt down,
falling with the breath.
So couple moments here to play with that rise and fall.
Moving the energy that runs up and down the spine,
not with a ton of heavy-hitting awesomeness today
but with the power of the breath.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Awesome. Pressing in the tops of the feet, and nice and slow,
come all way back up to Tabletop Position.
Once again, curl the toes under.
Press away from the yoga mat, so suck, peak front body
up to meet the back body.
So peek at me if you need to.
There's a tendency often to drop the small of the back here.
Natural curve, no big deal, very normal.
So draw the navel up and lengthen out through
the tail and the lower back.
And then same thing with the head.
Head may be dipping down here,
so send the crown towards the front.
Tug away with the shoulders to create a little more length,
and then as you're ready,
lift the kneecaps and let them hover.
(exhaling deeply)
Beautiful, press away from your yoga mat here,
so I'm not collapsing the shoulders,
but I'm creating stability in the shoulders,
I'm lifting my heart space up between my shoulder blades.
I'm here for five, four,
look forward maybe,
three, two,
Downward Dog on the one,
hips up high, walk it out.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Awesome, anchor through the left heel, and inhale,
slide the right leg up high.
Just keep your right foot in line with your right hip,
so turn your right toes down.
Inhale, lift the right heel a little higher.
Then exhale, knee to nose,
rounding through, clawing through the fingertips,
knee to nose, knee to nose, squeeze and lift.
Beautiful, and then release.
Right heel down, inhale, lift the left leg up high.
(inhaling deeply)
Level it out, turn the left toes down.
Hug front body up to meet the back body.
Claw into the fingertips then inhale,
lift the left heel a little higher.
And then exhale, knee to nose.
Shift your body forward, shoulders over the wrists.
Squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift,
and then back to your Down Dog.
(exhaling deeply)
Right leg, inhale, lift it high.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, squeeze, knee to nose.
Think Cat Pose in the spine.
Squeeze and lift, press away from your yoga mat,
and then release it back, Down Dog.
Inhale, left leg high, last one.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, knee to nose, nice and slow, stick with it.
Lean in, see what's coming up, don't give up.
(exhaling deeply)
Beautiful, Downward Facing Dog,
we're coming off the arms here,
so here we go, we're gonna step the right leg
all the way forward, and then we're just gonna turn
the right toes in.
We're gonna shift to the side of our mat
so that both big toes are coming in,
we're coming in to a Wide-Legged Forward Fold.
So if you need to make some adjustments
to get there, please do.
And then legs are nice and wide, big toes turn in slightly,
and we really anchor through the outer edges of the feet.
And then start to draw some energy up through the arches
to engage the inner thighs.
So you're hugging muscle to bone here for support,
we're not just splaying out,
putting all this pressure on our joints.
We're really finding a lift from the ground up.
(exhaling deeply)
Great, then for many, you might need to stay on a block here
or even use a piece of furniture.
If your hands come to the ground, wonderful,
and if you can walk them back in line with the arches,
give it a go.
Soft micro-bend in the knees here.
Again, lots of connection to the earth.
Then big full breaths here.
If your hands are on props, stay where you are.
Otherwise, take the right hand to the top of the left shin,
and then the left hand to the top of the right shin.
Now, if you have to walk your feet a little bit closer,
you might give it a try.
If you don't make it, you might just grab your pants.
Or, keep the hands on the earth, criss-cross.
We're here for five breaths, check it out.
Shake the head loose, breathe into the upper back body,
stay nice and strong and powerful in the legs.
Lift up from the hip creases, breathing deep.
(exhaling deeply)
If you have the space and you've been practicing for a bit,
you might try taking your right elbow and bending it
and looking underneath your right upper chest,
creating more space, but don't push it,
just, just notice.
And then slowly release, fingertips come to the earth
and we inhale, halfway lift, find length.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale, fold.
(exhaling deeply)
And this time, left arm on top, right arm underneath.
Same thing. And this side might be different,
so you might have to keep the hands on the earth
for this criss-cross.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Send breath to the upper back body,
send breath to the lower back body.
Feel the breath rise and fall.
So good for all systems go.
Talk about spring cleaning, summer cleaning.
Breathe deep, feel your breath rise and fall.
Great for the nervous system, great for the kidneys.
If you want, next up here would be to bend that left elbow
and start to look, whoo, whoo.
Connect to your center and then look underneath.
(exhaling deeply)
So it's actually a good reminder to really stay connected
to your center from
(inhaling deeply)
moving from a place of connect.
Wherever you are, take one more breath,
and then exhale, release.
Inhale, halfway lift.
(inhaling deeply)
And exhale, fold.
(exhaling deeply)
From here, anchor to your core from your middle,
heel-toe, heel-toe, feet in all the way.
We're gonna bring it all the way in
to Uttanasana, Forward Fold.
(inhaling deeply)
And then we're just gonna do a gentle turn, bend the knees,
take your toes towards the front of your mat.
Great, now knees come together, feet come together,
arch to arch.
Use the fingertips on the earth,
bend the knees generously,
come into a little ball here so the heels are gonna reach up
stretching through the feet,
creating more flexibility in the feet, we need that.
Chin to chest, and we're gonna come
to a little balancing posture here,
you can keep your fingertips on the earth and stay here.
Or eventually, we're gonna scoot the tailbone under,
find that Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha,
so lift up from the pelvic floor,
hug in at the middle,
and then draw your hands to your heart.
Toe stand.
Can you believe it?
(exhaling deeply)
So stay dedicated to your breath.
Not just because that's what we do in yoga,
but because that is,
that's your bread and butter baby,
your breath, your life force.
I mean, your spirit.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Got to find my Bandhas again.
Alright, one more breath here, you got it.
Then exhale, check it out,
hold onto your Drishti, your focus, out in front.
Open the knees.
Fingertips come to the ground.
Plant the palms.
Hug the knees up towards the armpit, chest.
Inhale, look forward, lift the hips.
You can just stay here, you might come on to the toes,
or maybe you lift up, Crow Pose.
Lifting up through the upper back body
as you have all practiced, sending breath and awareness
to the upper back body.
Squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift.
And then if you're lifted, come down.
We'll meet our homies all here,
with the toes on the ground,
and then a little core strength as you bring the knees in,
come on to the heels, send the fingertips forward,
and slowly come to a seat.
Boat Pose.
So if this is annoying, 'cause the belly's not coming
close to the thighs or you have big breasts or whatever,
just love your body and,
and know that the rest of us wish we were you.
Right? You always want what you can't have,
so be with your body, let's all practice accepting
exactly who we are as we come into Navasana, Boat Pose.
You can grab the wrists here, and lift up,
and it's a practice, loving yourself.
Alright, we're here for a couple more breaths.
See if you can lift up through the heart.
Wrap the shoulder blades around,
so we've been spreading the shoulder blades here,
now we're gonna wrap the shoulder blades around
one last time, maybe send the fingertips forward.
(exhaling deeply)
Inhale, in.
Exhale, low boat, nice and low.
Low, low, low.
And then inhale, lift up.
Two more.
Low boat, check it out.
(exhaling deeply)
Take your time, and then lift up.
And last one, here we go, ready?
And exhale, lower.
(exhaling deeply)
Beautiful, inhale the smile,
and exhale, let everything go.
Come to the ground, lie down,
snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space.
(exhaling deeply)
Breathe in.
(inhaling deeply)
And breathe out.
(exhaling deeply)
Breathe in.
(inhaling deeply)
And breathe out.
Now keep it going and close your eyes
and just feel the rise and the fall of your breath
as you breathe in and out.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Then walk the heels together, and in our next breath in,
lift the right knee up towards the chest.
Wrap your arms around the shin,
and then bring the right knee towards the right shoulder.
Rotate the right ankle one way and then the other.
Inhale, in.
Exhale, supine twist.
Turn to look towards your right hands,
feel the stretch in the outer hip, the spine.
Try to bring your right shoulder to the ground.
And feel the rise and the fall of your breath here.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
And then bring it back to center.
Knee to nose, or nose to knee.
(exhaling deeply)
Then release.
Left knee comes up, big breath in.
(inhaling deeply)
Exhale, squeeze the left knee to left shoulder.
(exhaling deeply)
Rotate the ankle.
Make sure you're not clenching in the jaw,
and just stay present.
Each present moment, a doorway to the next.
Just stick with it, we're almost done, you are doing great.
Inhale, in.
Exhale, supine twist.
Guide that knee over with mindfulness.
And open up to the left.
Try to bring your left shoulder down and breathe deep.
(inhaling and exhaling deeply)
Inhale, in.
As you exhale, bring it back to center.
Knee to nose.
Head to knee pose here, breathe in.
(inhaling deeply)
And release on the out.
Supta Baddha Konasana, bring the soles of the feet together,
open the knees wide.
Left hand comes to the heart,
right hand to the belly, then literally,
press into your head and lift your chest up.
And then create space between your lower back body
and the mat here, so a little back bend.
Inhale, find what feels good here.
Make any adjustments that you need.
And then come to a place where you can completely relax,
so you might walk the shoulders back up.
(inhaling deeply)
Soften through the toes.
Close your eyes.
And then see if you can
detect the wave of calm,
a blanket of love, just a stillness here
as you'd surrender to gravity as you open through the hips.
(inhaling deeply)
Continue to feel your breath, the rise and the fall.
So here's to feeling fresh.
Sometimes we get so focused on fit (chuckles)
that we end up with back pain and stress
and a depleted nervous system,
and we don't feel fresh,
we don't have the energy to actually do any of the things
that we set out to do, that we
feel is our destiny.
So thank you so much for being patient,
for being kind in your practice,
and for
committing to
focusing and refocusing on the power of the breath
and our yoga practice and in our fitness regimen.
Remembering to prioritize the inner body
over the outer body.
Not putting that cart before the horse.
Stay here as long as you like.
We'll bring the hands together overhead.
Thumbs come up to the third eye.
We'll take a deep breath in.
(inhaling deeply)
And just connecting to each other and the big picture.
(exhaling deeply)
By finishing our practice with a deep breath in.
(inhaling deeply)
And a quiet whisper.
(exhaling deeply)
(upbeat music)


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