Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Movement Medicine - Energy Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Movement Medicine - Energy Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- Howdy, everyone?
Welcome to Yoga With Adriene.
I am Adriene, and today
on our movement is medicine practice,
we have a 15-minute sequence to help you find energy,
the energy that you need to conquer your day,
to find what feels good,
and to follow your destiny.
Hop into something comfy and let's get started.
(uplifting music)
Alrighty, my darling friends,
let's begin in Extended Child's Pose today.
So get on down low.
Bring your knees as wide as your yoga mat,
big toes to touch.
And we'll start by melting the heart
and the forehead to the ground.
Take a deep breath in.
And let's start to open up through the shoulders,
send the hips back,
and just ground into this moment.
So we have a 15-minute practice
to find what feels good.
So let go of the day thus far,
clear the cache, clear the cookies,
and gently begin to rock the forehead a little
back and forth, massaging the brow bone,
but also stimulating this third eye point.
Also really great for the sinuses.
And then press a little more awareness energy, consciousness
into every fingertip.
And then pull the hip creases back,
press into your hands and just send your tailbone
towards the back edge of your mat even more.
So we're starting nice and low.
Begin to gently move the hips back and forth,
mindful you should feel really good,
and use your imagination to really see
the hips, the hip socket, the ball and socket.
And then take a deep breath in, come to stillness.
And this time, exhale out through the mouth.
Again, just let that big inhale in.
A nice, cleansing exhale out through the mouth.
Press into the tops of the feet,
claw through the finger tips,
and inhale, big breath lifts you all the way back up.
Wonderful, walk the knees underneath the hips.
Curl the toes under, inhale in,
tap into an inner smile as you exhale.
Lift the hips up high
and start to pedal it out, Downward Facing Dog.
Stay connected through your finger tips
and feel your way through this practice.
Really feel it out,
feel what's going on in your body today,
really being present with what is.
Hug the lower ribs in,
lift the hip creases up high,
continue to pedal it out,
got relaxed there,
for three breath cycles.
Get into the hips, the shoulders,
find length through the side body.
After about three breath cycles, plant your palms.
Take any pressure out of the wrists by really
clawing through the finger tips.
And then come to stillness, turn the two big toes in.
Let the heels grow heavy.
They don't have to touch the earth,
just let them go heavy.
And then find stillness.
Breathing deep,
so great for circulation,
so great for the nervous system here.
Take one more breath.
And on an exhale, bend the knees,
inhale, look forward,
and exhale, just baby steps to the top of your mat.
Forward Fold with the feet hip-width apart.
Bend the knees, shake the head loose.
Beautiful, press into the feet,
really feel that connection to the earth,
press into all four corners of the feet.
And then really feel this out.
Bend the knees, tuck the chin, and roll it up.
Stack up through the spine,
this sacred line that runs from the tailbone
all the way up to the crown of the head.
And when you're ready, reach the finger tips up.
So sometimes it's not what we do, but how we do it.
So really pay attention to the quality of breath,
the quality of movement here today.
So, hug the lower ribs in, lengthen the tailbone down,
stack head over heart, heart over pelvis.
Inhale, give it everything you've got,
maximize the stretch here,
and then exhale, bend the knees,
Forward Fold all the way down.
Move with the breath.
Inhale, halfway lift, find length.
Exhale, soften and fold.
Bend the knees, fingertips come to the mat,
walk the feet together.
Then step the right foot back, lower the right knee.
Front knee over front ankle,
gather energy up from the earth.
Focus on the quality of movement here as you
sweep the fingertips up and overhead.
Big breath in here.
And then exhale, rain it down.
Fingertips come to the mat.
We pull the left hip crease back.
Flex the left toes towards the face.
Ardha Hanuman.
Inhale in,
exhale, come all the way forward.
Lift the back knee, let it hover.
Inhale, open the chest, open your heart.
Really send that right heel back and lift the back knee up.
So lots of integrity in the legs here.
Squeezing your thighs towards the midline.
Maybe the fingertips hover here.
Then plant the palms when you're ready
and step the left toes back.
Inhale, in plank.
Exhale, all the way to the belly.
Inhale, in Cobra.
Exhale, release.
Beautiful, curl the toes under.
Inhaling, power-up plank.
And then exhale to your Downward Dog.
Killing it, take a deep breath in.
Inhale, lots of love in.
Exhale, lots of love out.
Inhale to look forward.
Exhale, make your way to the top.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, fold.
This time fingertips come to the mat,
step the left knee back, lower the left knee.
Left foot back, lower the left knee.
Inhale, sweep the finger tips forward up and back,
front knee over front ankle.
Gather energy up from the earth here.
Big stretch as you inhale,
lift up from the pelvic floor.
Feel the big, big stretch as you inhale,
and then exhale, soften and fold.
Fingertips come to the earth,
pull the right hip crease back, half-splits.
Ardha Hanuman.
Right toes towards the face.
Breathe in, lift up through the chest, the heart.
Breathe out, send it forward, lift the back knee.
Reach left heel towards the back edge of your mat.
Really tone the left quad here.
Inhale, open the chest, open your heart, look forward.
You might come up off the fingertips here
just to make sure you're not crashing down.
Inhale in.
Then exhale, plant the palms, step it back.
Plank pose.
So hug the front body up to meet the back body here.
Reach the heels back.
Press away from your yoga mat and then inhale.
Come onto the tippy toes, look forward,
exhale, all the way down.
Inhale, Cobra.
Exhale to release.
Inhale, plank, press it up.
Exhale, Downward Facing Dog, pedal it out.
So create some soft, easy movement here
as you breathe deeper, four breaths.
All right.
Inhale, look towards the top.
Exhale, ragdoll.
Step one foot then the other.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, fold.
Root to rise here.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Lift all of your toes, spread the fingertips.
And exhale, all the way back down, Forward Fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, soften and bow.
Inhale, step the right foot back, lower the right knee.
Inhale, gather energy up,
sweep the finger tips up and overhead.
Big stretch here.
Back toes, right toes are curled under.
And then exhale, all the way to your half-split from there.
Nice, send those towards your navel,
round through the spine, and then roll it forward.
Great, lift the back knee.
Let the finger tips hover.
Big breath as you open your chest.
Connect to your core strength.
And then exhale, plant the palms.
Step it back.
And belly to Cobra,
or maybe, this time, Chaturanga to Updog.
You move with your breath.
Inhale to open your chest.
And exhale to make your way back.
Downward Facing Dog.
When you get there, find movement that feels good.
Soothe it out with your breath.
Nice, smooth, easy, full breathing, right?
Notice if you're holding.
See if you can keep it calm.
Find the ease, the Sukha.
Inhale to look forward.
Exhale, step one foot then the other to the top.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, fold.
Root to rise.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Spread the fingertips, lift the toes.
And exhale, all the way back down, Forward Fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, soften and bow.
Step the left foot back, lower the left knee.
Then when you're ready, inhale, gather it in.
Big stretch up towards the sky.
Pull the right hip crease back and lift up from
your pelvic floor, so we're not just collapsing here,
but we're finding a little lift and lengthen.
Then straight into your runner's lunge from here,
straight into half-splits.
So fingertips come down.
And nose towards the navel.
Flex your right foot, beautiful.
Exhale, come forward.
Lift the back knee, loop the shoulders,
let your heart, chest radiate forward.
Power up through the core, navel draws in and up.
Then here we go, plant the palms, step it back.
Belly to Cobra, or Chaturanga to Updog.
Take your time.
Move with your breath.
Use an inhale to open your heart.
Use an exhale to make your way back to Down Dog.
This time, find stillness and let the breath
be in your movement.
Let your breath move you here.
Claw through the finger tips,
take pressure out of the wrists.
Hug the lower ribs in.
One more breath cycle in and out.
Here we go, anchor through the left heel.
Inhale, lift the right leg up high.
Bend the right knee.
Open right toes towards the left side of your mat.
Press into both palms evenly.
Inhale, lift your right knee even higher.
Then exhale, cross it over, right knee to left tricep,
as you shift forward, shoulders over the wrists.
Inhale, lift it all the way up, Three-Legged Dog.
Exhale, all the way through to your lunge.
Last time, scoop it all in, gather it all up.
Exhale, half-splits, Ardha Hanuman.
Inhale, look forward.
Exhale, lift the back knee, let the finger tips hover.
This time, you might open the chest even more.
Beautiful, plant the palms.
Step it back.
This time, walk the left hand to the center line.
Turn onto the outer edge of the left foot.
Then lift the hips up with your right hip,
with your right hand, excuse me.
So, right hand to left hip.
Lift the hips up.
Gather energy through your core
and then send your right finger tips towards the sky.
Inhale in, take any variation you like here.
And then exhale, make your way back down.
Hips up high,
heart melts towards the thighs.
Downward Facing Dog.
So, no pressure in the wrists here.
Keep clawing into the finger tips.
All right, anchor through the right heel this time.
Inhale, lift the left leg up high.
Bend the left knee, and then when you're ready,
send the left toes towards the right side of your mat.
Try to keep weight evenly distributed through the palms.
Hug the lower ribs in.
Inhale, lift the left knee up higher.
Then exhale, cross it over.
Left knee to right tricep.
Shoulders and wrists stacked.
Beautiful, inhale, all the way up, Three-Legged Dog.
Exhale, all the way through to your lunge.
Lower the right knee.
Gather the energy up and in as you breathe in.
Sweep the arms up and overhead,
as you breathe out, Ardha Hanuman.
Take it back down.
Beautiful, inhale in.
Exhale, come all the way forward.
Lift the back knee.
Open the chest.
Maybe fingertips hover,
or maybe you open up a little more this time.
Big breath in, smile.
Big breath out, take it down, Plank Pose.
Here we go, Vashistasana.
Right hand to the center of the mat.
Come onto the outer edge of your right foot.
Use your left hand to guide the right hips,
the hips up, up, up, up, up.
And then send the left finger tips overhead.
Soft microbend in that right elbow.
Inhale in.
Create a full-body experience.
And then exhale, take it all the way down.
Belly to Cobra,
or Chaturanga to Updog.
Or meet me in Downward Facing Dog.
Inhale to open your heart.
Exhale to send it back.
Deep breath in.
Long breath out.
Nice work, slowly lower to the knees,
knees together, feet together,
and send the hips back, sit up nice and tall,
flip the palms up and overhead.
Loop the shoulders and just notice how you feel.
Feel a little heat,
a little fresh blood and oxygen flowing throughout the body.
We'll take the right hand to the left outer thigh,
and just a little twist here to the left.
Try to keep your chest lifting.
Armpit, chest lifting, so not collapsed.
Draw the belly in just a little bit.
And then exhale, to the right.
Inhale to lift and lengthen.
Exhale, twist.
Gorgeous work. Inhale, back to center.
And exhale, Child's Pose.
Send the fingertips back.
Nose towards your knee.
Inhale in.
Exhale, empty everything out.
Inhale, sweep the arms up and overhead.
Reach towards the front edge of your mat.
Really reach, reach, reach.
So, claw the fingertips.
Reaching, inching towards the front.
Inhaling again.
Exhale, empty everything out.
Awesome, press into the tops of the feet,
tuck the chin into the chest,
and slowly roll it up.
Hands come to the heart.
Lift the sternum to the thumbs.
Movement as medicine.
This is a practice you can show up for regularly.
Repeat it whenever you need to stir the pot,
shake things up,
find a new angle,
hit the refresh button.
Awesome work.
Take the thumbs up to the third eye,
connecting to that inner teacher,
trusting that you have everything you need.
Inhale, sit up a little taller.
And exhale, we bow.
(upbeat music)


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Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene - What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, and today...