Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Yoga For Climbers | Flexibility & Balance | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga For Climbers | Flexibility & Balance | Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- Hey everyone, what's up and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene and today we have a big request,
this is yoga for climbers.
But also really great for anyone who's wanting
to do a little ditty to cultivate more balance,
coordination, flexibility, and stability.
Hop into something comfy, and let's get started.
(upbeat music)
Alrighty my friends, let's begin standing today
feet hip width apart.
Take a nice deep breath in,
and as you exhale, just let go of the day
or the morning thus far, relax your shoulders.
Let's really drop in to this time for yourself
whether you're a climber, or a non-climber,
let's use this time, really utilize this time
to cultivate a little balance and to find what feels good.
So deep breath in again, stand up nice and tall,
and as you exhale just think of a release, a letting go.
He totally just sighed.
Nice buddy, Benji's with us.
Big inhale,
and exhale.
And one more time, big full breath in,
and exhale, maybe relax your shoulders
just in case they're creeping up towards your ears.
Awesome, now to the neck.
We're just gonna drop one ear over one shoulder.
And feel a nice gentle release in the side of the neck.
And then over to the other side.
And then you're just gonna go back and forth on your own.
And you can pause there and breathe,
or you can keep the movement going.
We're just kind of coming into the moment
so that we can really maximize this time for ourself,
but also create efficient movement.
So, today's practice is about coordination,
and it's about moving from your center, your core.
So if your mind is kind of distracted,
you can start to just zero in on the sensation of the neck,
the sound of your breath, maybe how you're
distributing your weight in the feet.
And then notice if you're kind of locking out the legs here,
see if you can softly bend your knees.
Alright, sweet, then bring the head back to center.
We're just gonna nice and easy nod the head,
drop the chin to the chest,
and then look up towards the sky.
And now notice if you've lost your
nice, deep conscious breath.
And the thing about climbing, and I won't pretend
that I'm like some professional climber of course,
but I did talk to some of my pals and do some research,
and the thing about climbing that I was noticing is,
the breath, a lot of times when we get into this focused
scenario, or when we're trying to hold our balance,
and we see this in yoga all the time, we hold our breath.
Alright, bring the head back to center and here we go.
We're gonna send the fingertips up towards the sky.
Big inhale as you stretch, reach way up high,
and then exhale to float it down, wiggle the fingertips,
really open up through the pecs and the chest.
So again, maximize this movement,
see how efficient you can be.
Instead of just inhaling while you reach up,
exhale come down, because that's what we do in yoga,
see if you can really get the most out of your movement,
nice and in control, so big inhale, then reach for the sky,
and exhale, opening through the chest,
float the fingertips down.
Now you know what you're doing, or somewhat,
so you can take your eyes off the video, off me,
and really start to maybe integrate the neck,
so the nodding movement that we did, chin to chest,
and then big inhale to look up towards the sky.
And I start to really sync up with my breath here,
find length through all four sides of the torso.
See if you can distribute your weight evenly
through the soles of your feet.
(laughing) Benji, man.
And let's do one more big full breath,
inhale, why not, lots of love in, reach for the sky.
And exhale, why not, exhale lots of love out.
Bring it down, all right.
Interlace the fingertips behind the back, sorry buddy.
We're gonna interlace, draw the knuckles down and away.
Title of my second book, I told you,
one day I'm gonna write it.
And lift the chest here.
Now pause, see if you can lengthen your tailbone down
and bring your belly button in,
and then head over heart, heart over pelvis here.
Breathe deep.
If you're kind of craving a little more here,
see if you can bring the palms together, really together.
And if that's not happening for your body
just breathe deep and let it unfold, don't force or press.
So nice and open through the chest, pecs, collarbone,
breathe deep.
Fab, then bend the knees, generously inhale,
smile a little bit, why not, life's too short,
and then exhale, draw your navel in
and we're gonna draw a big rainbow with the knuckles
all the way up towards the ceiling or the sky
and then maybe over past the head.
So this'll be different for everyone.
You may get here, you might get belly towards the thighs.
And then if you can, relax the weight of your head down
and breathe a little deeper.
We're here for five, inhale lots of love in,
three, exhale lots of love out, and then here we go
on the one, dig into the heels and you're gonna
slowly roll it up, keep the fingers interlaced.
Roll it up, press into your feet,
and then break free the chains
(exaggerating exhale) Mountain Pose.
Now, stay present here, in control.
Feel that sensation, that flush of
fresh blood.
Nice, and we'll take the fingertips forward,
right arm over the left, just give yourself a big hug here.
So your fingertips are gonna kind of come in
towards the center of your back,
and then you're gonna lift your elbows, inhale and exhale.
Awesome, same thing, this time opposite thumb on top,
so reach behind, opposite thumb comes on top
as you interlace, knuckles draw down and away,
so the shoulder blades come in towards each other
and we stand up nice and tall, breathe.
Maybe the palms come together.
Lengthen tailbone down, so there's a gentle kind of
lengthening of the tailbone down.
You know, like this.
I hate to say tuck of the pelvis because
that's a little old school now, people,
it creates compression so, just lengthen it down,
just experiment, and then here we go,
same thing when you're ready, bend the knees
and we start to take it forward.
So keep reaching the knuckles way up high towards the sky,
and then check out how it is for your body today.
Every time you come to practice on the mat
stay present in the existing narrative.
So your hamstrings some days, well every day,
hamstrings are the exception, they're always tight.
Relax the weight of the head over, breathe deep.
But really be present in the sensation of your body.
Maybe it's different because of a workout,
because of travel, because of something emotional,
because of something you ate.
So it's worth it to really make the practice
about being present rather than
what you think you know about your body.
Dig into the heels, we're here for five, breathe deep,
two, stick with me, nice and in control,
that's the name of the game today.
Press into the heels, engage the inner thighs
as you roll up.
And if you're shaking or a little trembly here,
that's the ticket.
Sometimes it's not what we do but how we do it,
the way in which we do it, here we go,
break free the chains (exaggerating exhale).
Mountain Pose, go ahead and open the palms forward.
Creaky floor.
And then lift up from the armpit chest.
And if you need a little movement,
rotation in the wrists or anything here,
of course feel free to take it.
Awesome, let's bring the hands together at the heart.
You're gonna actively press the palms together here.
Beautiful, and then send the fingertips forward,
this time left arm over, just give yourself a big hug.
You're gonna try to inch the fingers behind
the center of your back one more time
and inhale, lift the elbow,
and then exhale let it all go, awesome.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
And then all the way down on an exhale, Forward Fold.
Awesome work.
Inhale halfway lift, nice flat back position.
Exhale fold all the way down.
Inhale to reach for the sky, you got this,
big stretch, big breath.
And exhale hands to heart, lengthen tailbone down.
So start to tap into a longer, smoother breath.
So if you're new to the practice
or if it seems really arduous, no problem
just keep returning to the sound of your breath
and see if you can really kind of keep that
as your number one goal, your number one,
not goal but focus, that's nicer.
Okay, we're gonna shift our weight to the left foot.
We're gonna grab the right ankle,
just a nice quad stretch here.
Use this left thumb to lift your sternum
and then see if you can lengthen
the tailbone down a bit here.
Breathing deep. (exhaling)
Awesome, then slowly release, palms come together, namaste.
Shift to the right foot and now we're gonna catch
the left ankle, again use your right thumb here
to lift your chest up, so if you're collapsing here
it's gonna be a little bit tricky.
So squeeze into the midline, lift your heart,
lift your chest and breathe.
Quad stretch, nice front hip stretch.
Lengthening tailbone down instead of letting it tip out.
Awesome, then one more breath, using exhale to release.
Gorgeous, here we go, press the palms together.
So really, really activate, press elbows, excuse me,
send elbows out left to right
as you press into your knuckles.
(clicking tongue and exhaling)
Awesome, then release, inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale Forward Fold, all the way down.
Inhale halfway lift, your version,
just find length in your neck.
And exhale fold.
Great, root to rise here,
inhale and reach for the sky, you got it.
And exhale hands to heart.
All right.
Step the feet hip width apart if they are not already.
I'm gonna step on Benji's ear and then they're gonna
call the animal police.
And then we're gonna shift our weight again
over to the left foot.
And then you're gonna take your right toes out,
and we're gonna squeeze everything into the midline.
If you're familiar with this kind of navel lock, core lock,
we call it Uddiyana Bundha, we'll do a video just on that.
But we're just gonna kind of draw the navel
in and up a little bit, just experiment with that.
So we're activating the core, all right.
And then we're gonna keep the palms pressing together
so we've kind of activated all of these things
to maybe lift the right toe off the ground.
And if that's like whoa, no, then we'll just kind of
work maybe with one breath at a time.
But if you can stay there and breathe, let's give it a go.
You can flex the foot or point the toe.
And then we're gonna bring a little soft bend
to that left knee so we're not locked out here.
Glutes turn on, navel's activated,
core's activated, navel's drawing in.
Neck is nice and long, chest is lifted.
And then if you're here and you're starting to
sweat bullets, breathe.
And if you're here and you feel pretty good,
like I've got this Adriene, what else you got?
Then slowly send the left fingertips up high,
and then exhale, we're gonna go left elbow to right knee,
squeeze everything in.
Let's give it a go, inhale to find extension
and exhale, squeeze in.
Now, we can take the right fingertips out now,
inhale expand, have some fun with it.
Exhale, bring everything in.
Inhale, expand.
And exhale bring everything in.
Let's do three more, moving with your breath, inhale.
Exhale, nice and slow, controlled movement.
Inhale, whoa my left glute is really turning on,
and then, in and let's do one more.
Inhale, spread the fingers, spread the toes,
smile, life is good.
And then here we go, from the navel,
everything into the center (exaggerating exhale)
and then release.
Plant your feet firmly, bring the palms together,
elbows left to right. (exhaling)
and exhale.
Shift your weight over to your right foot.
Left toe comes to the ground.
So you can really work here, so if your body's tired,
or maybe again, you're kind of new to practice here,
starting this practice because you want to create more
balance and coordination in the body,
give yourself a break man, like if the leg
isn't coming up, squeeze, engaging the thighs
and work here, and just work little baby moments here,
engaging all the right muscles so that you're creating
support rather than kind of faking it 'til you make it.
This is the one place that that doesn't really jive
I think, in my opinion.
In my other career it's (laughing),
in every other area of my life fake it 'til you make it
works, but not on the yoga mat so
softly bend that right knee, and maybe you're here already.
Just checking it out, all right.
Especially if you're a climber, you know how
the left and the right side can be very different.
So honor that in your body and make sure
you're not holding your breath.
And if you're ready, let's send the right fingertips
all the way out, kind of like an arabesque.
And then exhale, reel everything in, navel in,
try to really move from your center.
And then inhale, there's a tendency to wanna rush this
so keep it nice and slow and controlled.
And then exhale, squeeze everything in.
Inhale, maybe we add the left arm.
And moving with the breath, exhale.
and exhale.
All right, three more, don't rush it.
Inhale, the belly grows long, like a puppy's belly.
And on the exhale the upper abdominals
and the lower belly kind of come in together.
(exaggerating exhale)
And one more, we got this, inhale.
And exhale, we rock, all right release.
Both feet come evenly to the earth.
Palms come together, deep breath in.
Relax your shoulders as you breathe out, beautiful.
Big inhale to reach for the sky.
Exhale to rain it all the way down again, Forward Fold.
Inhale halfway lift,
and exhale fold.
All right, from here we're gonna slowly walk the hands out
and then slowly walk the feet out
and you're gonna come into a Plank Pose.
Then you're gonna really tap into a strong breath here,
the strongest breath you've taken all day.
And really press through the fingertips
to take pressure out of the wrists.
Claw, claw, claw through the fingertips
to take pressure out of the wrists.
Then shine your elbow creases towards the front,
reach your heels back, and we're wanting to create
one nice long line from the crown to the tail.
Breathe deep, press away from your yoga mat.
If your hips are dropping, lift 'em up,
if your shoulder blades are dropping,
lift up through the center of your back.
We're here for five, you got it,
four, three, two, bend the knees, lift the hips up high,
keep clawing through the fingertips.
Downward Facing Dog.
Breathe, breathe, breathe, pedal it out.
Keep clawing through the fingertips.
Oh, we have two down dogs here today.
Alright, here we go, take one more deep breath in.
And long breath out.
Then inhale, lift your right leg up high,
and exhale knee to third eye.
Squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift.
All right, then you're done.
Step the right foot all the way up,
you're gonna drop the left knee.
Then you're gonna walk the right fingertips
in towards your right big toe.
So both palms are together and then we're gonna
turn the left toes out, so your kind of coming into
a little half extended side angle here.
And then we're gonna slowly, slowly open
all the way up towards the sky but nice and slow.
So really working this from the ground up reach for the sky.
And if you need a little lift here, go ahead and find it.
Come on to the fingertips
or even elbow to the top of the thigh.
We're wanting to find this expansion in the chest
and then still keep this
connection to our core, our center.
Breathe deep, pressing the top of your left foot.
You should feel an awesome stretch in the IT,
and the outer hip.
Lengthen tailbone down, just like we've been doing.
So if it's been coming out here, see if you can bring it in
to the center line.
And then let's wiggle the left fingertips,
make sure we're having a full body experience,
lengthen through the crown.
And then bring it all the way down, awesome.
Go ahead and frame your right foot, bring you left toes back
and then just pull it back here, a nice runner's stretch.
Flex your rights toes towards your third eye.
Keep a nice bend in your right knee.
Breathe deep.
Alright, then we'll roll through the right foot.
We're gonna plant the palms, curl the back toes under,
step it back to that plank.
So, see if you can maintain nice full breaths
while you refine a little bit here.
See if you can lift the front body up to meet the back body.
Lengthen through the crown.
We're firing up through the muscles of the core,
reaching the heels back, lifting the knee caps
up towards the sky, breathing deep.
We're here for five, claw through the fingertips,
two, slow and with control, bend the knees,
draw the navel in and up, send the hips high.
Downward Facing Dog, awesome.
Take a deep breath in, and a long breath out.
Maybe shake the head loose here, maybe walk your dog out
to be a little bit wider.
There's a tendency lately I've been seeing a lot
for the hands to be really narrow.
So, especially for today's practice, walk the hands out,
shine your elbow creases forward.
Sweet here we go, big inhale to lift the left leg up high.
Exhale nice and slow and in control today, guys.
Roll through and we're gonna squeeze
knee towards the third eye,
through the center of your brows.
Here we go, five, four, three, two,
and step it up, awesome work, lower the back knee.
Take a second to find that deep conscious breath.
Awesome, then we're gonna walk the left fingertips
in towards your left big toe.
And then take your time.
Gaining a little coordination sometimes
if this is new stuff for you, new material,
new vocabulary that is, it takes some time
so just move nice and slow.
You're gonna take the right toes
over towards the left side of the mat.
This is still part of your foundation.
Then lengthen tailbone down and in.
Activate the upper back body.
And when you're ready, open right fingertips to the sky.
Find that expansion, breathe.
Lift the tailbone, the coccyx is kind of coming out.
See if you can hug it in, breathing deep.
And if you need some space, just come on to the top
of that left thigh with your left elbow.
Inhale and exhale.
Draw the shoulder blades together.
One more breath as you inhale.
Maybe wiggle the right fingertips,
lengthen through the crown.
And exhale to bring everything back, awesome.
Frame the left foot, bring the right toes back.
Here we go, pulling back through the left hip crease.
So keep that bend in the left knee.
This helps us really stretch the meat, the middle,
the belly of that hamstring and not just where they attach.
Which is awesome, for everyone, not just climbers.
(exhaling) My precious.
My precious.
Okay, dig into your left foot,
let's find a little articulation.
Pay attention to the nuance of every move.
So important for climbers.
So same thing here, don't just shift forward
but really dig into that foot, find the grammar of the foot,
as they say.
And then we'll plant the palms.
And one last time, we got this, here we go.
Plank Pose.
Breathe deep, so really important,
if the shoulder blades are collapsing here,
claw through the fingertips
and dome up through the upper back body.
Think about your shoulder blades going left and right.
You can even overdo it a little bit today
to really find that sensation.
Awesome, beautiful.
We're gonna slowly now shift to the knees, nice and slow.
We're gonna take the right hand
and bring it right to the center of the mat.
And then nice and slow we're gonna turn the right toes out
and we're gonna open up to a little gate variation here.
So you'll open up kind of the way we did
in that half Extended Side Angle
and send the left fingertips towards the sky.
So we're doing a modified Half Moon today.
Stacking the shoulders.
And so the way that we'll activate the modified
Half Moon is by bringing the upper abdominals
and lower belly together.
And then engaging the left inner thigh
and lifting the left foot up.
See if you can keep your left toes turned in
as opposed to out.
And we're breathing deep here. (exhaling)
Notice I'm keeping the extension of my neck,
so nice and long.
And maybe I turn up to look up towards my left fingertips.
And I wiggle the left fingertips and then slow
and with control, bring the left foot down, right hand down.
And come back to all fours, Tabletop Position.
Beautiful, other side, left hand comes to the center.
Take your time, press away from your yoga mat,
claw through your fingertips so you're not putting
a bunch of pressure in your wrists.
Sweet, then we're gonna take the left toes out
and here we go, keep breathing here
as you move into this gate variation.
So we open up and the right foot really roots down
to start here just so you can build your foundation.
And then I reach up.
And then maybe my whole body's lit up here
and I'm breathing, I'm lengthening my tailbone
towards my right heel.
I'm feeling awesome, so I just stay here.
Or I try that modified Half Moon
by engaging my core and the right inner thigh,
pressing into my foundation
and lifting that right leg up high.
Gonna turn on that outer hip here.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Remember the neck is an extension of the spine
so equidistant between each earlobe and shoulder.
Breathe, wiggle the right fingertips,
maybe lift your right leg a little higher.
And then soften with control, bring everything down.
Come back to that Tabletop Position.
Awesome, inhale, look forward.
And exhale, Child's Pose.
Awesome, bring the knees wide, big toes to touch
or toes come in towards the center
and just melt your heart here, melt your forehead.
Inhale deeply.
And exhale and everything go.
So keep the lower body where it is,
we're just gonna lift the chest.
You wanna slide the right hand underneath
and thread the needle.
So right fingertips come in and underneath
the bridge of your left arm.
You're just gonna turn, you can lift the hips up high
to get a deeper stretch.
And if you need a little more you can create
a little resistance by bending your left elbow.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
(breathing deeply)
Nice, then slowly come back to center.
Same thing on the other side, left fingertips slide in.
So the bum really lifts up so you can get a deeper stretch
here and create more flexibility.
And if you're craving a little more
you can use that right hand to press the right elbow up.
See if you can keep (mumbles)
consciousness in the feet.
Breathe deep.
Awesome, try to move from your center, your core,
even here as you come back, unravel.
Awesome, then we'll walk the knees in
underneath the hip points.
We'll cross one ankle over the other, any ankle.
And then use your hands to walk it all the way through.
You're gonna send the legs out in front of you.
Sorry buddy.
Paschimottanasana here we go, bend the knees a little bit,
sit up nice and tall, toes are pointing up towards the sky.
Inhale, reach the fingertips up high.
And then exhale, think up and over,
draw your navel in and up.
And if your belly is kind of in the way there,
welcome to the club.
Just be loving, loving, loving.
Think about activating and working for yourself
rather than oh man, my belly's in the way
I can't do this pose.
Right, drop the pose
and then find the sensation
that feels really awesome, feels really good for you.
So bow your head down.
If you are working on straightening legs, awesome,
you do that, if you're here and this is like
oh amazing for your back.
So some people will be working more on flexibility,
some people will be aiming more
for that controlled movement.
The fact of the matter is, it's all good.
This time, however you choose to spend it,
is time well spent if it's with your breath,
cultivating some mindfulness.
And some love for your body.
We'll take one final breath here.
I encourage you to close your eyes.
Just go inward for a second, notice what's going on,
what thoughts are coming up.
(breathing deeply)
Sweet, then we'll slowly release
and same thing, with control, slowly roll it up.
Head is the last thing to lift up high.
Fabulous, and then this is gonna be yogi's choice today.
You can cross the ankles and come to end your practice
today in a nice meditation pose,
or you can begin to lay down.
Maybe you're doing this on the Find What Feels Good
membership so a video won't pop up right away.
So you choose
how to want to end your practice.
And then we'll all just bring our hands to the heart center.
So if you're on your back you can take
one hand on the heart and one hand on the belly.
And if you're seated up tall like me
you can bring the palms together, Anjali Mudra.
Alright, take a second to appreciate yourself,
this time that you took
for mind and body.
And then send some love out to all the people
all over the world practicing this with us.
Every person, every pet.
And any other spirits that might be practicing with us.
To all the climbers, to all the wanna be climbers like me,
and to this valuable time to just cultivate balance
and flexibility in the body, you rock.
Here we go, bring the thumbs up to the third eye
and take a deep breath in.
And as you exhale bow, head to heart.
We say, namaste.
(upbeat music)


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Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene - What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, and today...