Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Yoga For After Disaster | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga For After Disaster | Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- What's up everyone,
and welcome to yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene.
And this is Benji.
And today we have an awesome offering.
This is a big request.
People are wanting a practice post disaster.
So this could be natural disaster,
this could be something in the household.
These things happen, they are beyond our control,
but the one thing we do have control over
is how we handle them and how we return
back to ourselves to take good care
so that we can fill our cups
so that they can overflow and we can help others.
So today's practice is super yummy, super juicy,
all about the breath.
Hop into something comfy, and let's find what feels good.
(upbeat music)
Alright, my darling friends.
Let's begin in a nice comfortable position
of your choice.
So it can be seated, sucasana.
It can be lying down.
You can begin on the couch, in a chair.
In a bed.
So just take a second to get settled in here.
Definitely want you to start
in a really comfortable spot today.
So we're gonna start moving together here
in just a moment.
But let's begin in a spot,
in a place that you choose
that feels really good.
And maybe you start seated,
and you're like, nah, nah, nah.
I should've started lying down.
So you can change here.
Just take a couple moments, no rush.
Because I'd love for us to begin our practice
with a little check in, with a little connect,
a little meditation.
And I'd love for you to feel supported.
So, if sitting up right does not feel supportive for you,
find a position that does.
And when you get there,
close your eyes, trust me, trust yourself.
Trust that choosing this video and this practice
is the right thing to do.
And I encourage you to really finish this whole practice.
It's really difficult,
especially in difficult times,
to take this time to really find peace and balance.
So, for my heart to yours,
I honor you for taking this time.
Let's jump right in.
As you're ready, a big inhale in through the nose.
Long exhale out through the nose.
And here we go big inhale in through the nose.
And long exhale out through the nose.
Now keep it going with the eyes closed,
big inhale in through the nose,
and as you exhale, wherever you are,
whatever position you chose,
just relax the shoulders a little more every time,
every exhale.
So today's practice is a peace offering.
It's an invitation to find what feels good.
By really honoring what is,
and sometimes that is
disaster, catastrophy.
Situations, things that occur
that are way beyond our control.
Gently continue to deepen the breath even more,
see if you can extend the inhalation,
make it longer, fuller.
And extend the exhale,
again relaxing the shoulders every time.
From a physical standpoint,
today's practice is going to nourish
the neck, the shoulders, the heart space.
Places that collect a lot of congestion
and a lot of tension and tightness
when the going gets tough.
Or when we spend a lot of time with fear.
And so whatever disaster,
whether it's a natural disaster,
something bigger than you,
or whether it's something that happened within.
Maybe you saw or heard something that didn't
sit right with you.
Whatever disaster you're responding to
by practicing this video,
see if you can use the control of your breath
to guide you through an experience
that feels supportive, loving, and kind.
Gently draw your hands to your heart.
Eyes are still closed here, trust me.
Trust yourself.
And now we're just taking a moment
to zoom out and trust all the millions of people practicing.
We're all in this together.
And so, with the palms pressing together at the heart,
we can continue to breathe a little deeper, more full.
Maybe tuck the chin slightly,
gently bow the head to the heart.
Zoom out and think of all the beautiful people.
And pets.
Benji's here now.
That are practicing with you.
So you're not alone.
And if you're not coming off of a disaster,
and you're just here to practice,
send love out by cultivating love within.
So we send positive energy,
or as my mentor used to say,
positive juju out.
By cultivating that within ourselves
so we have this balance of the zoom in and the zoom out.
Which I think is super awesome and perfect
for Yoga with Adriene
and the uniqueness of this channel.
Notice where your mind goes.
And if you're like me,
constantly on the go,
thank goodness for these practices.
If you're like me,
just give yourself permission to do nothing here.
You don't have to do anything.
Let my voice guide you.
Again, full breaths in through the nose,
and long exhalations out through the nose
as you relax the shoulders,
more, more, more.
Relax your body.
Control your breath.
Notice how you feel.
And on your next big inhale,
think inhale lots of love in.
So inhale love and then pause,
and hold the breath at the top,
retain the breath here.
And then exhale everything out,
lots of love out, out, out, out, out.
And again, big buoyant inhale,
lots of love in.
Pause, hold at the top.
Keep everything relaxed.
Relax your body,
relax the skin of the face.
And finally, exhaling everything out.
Lots of love out.
Beautiful, bow the head to the heart.
And start to activate the upper back body.
Begin to listen to the sound of your breath.
See if you can really pay attention to nuance today
in this healing and balancing practice.
So in order to serve others, to help others,
it has to start from within.
So we're filling our cups today,
taking care of the inside
and the container so that when it's nice and full,
and the container overfloweth,
we can give that same love and attention
that listening for nuance to others.
One more breath here,
at the very least,
you're getting an awesome neck stretch.
Chin to chest.
Activate the upper back body even more.
Awesome, and then slowly release.
Left fingertips are gonna come to the earth,
right fingertips are gonna reach for the sky,
just a nice sidebody stretch.
Move kind and loving.
See if you can find a little soft and easy movement
here that feels good.
Then coming through center,
take it to the other side.
Nice and easy.
Notice if you've dropped the conscious breath,
see if you can continue with the breath here.
So a lot of fear energy stores in the torso,
the neck, the shoulders, the heart space.
Bring it back to center.
We recently had a hurricane here in Texas,
and there's been just natural disasters all over the world.
And there has been before now too,
so I don't want to act like this is a new thing.
But a lot of that fear energy that is just everywhere,
I mean, we didn't even get hit here in Austin,
and I felt it that weekend.
In fact, that whole weekend was just a crazy pants weekend.
Just lots of fear energy in the air,
so it can get really caught in the body, in my opinion,
and so today's practice is gonna help
kind of alleviate that.
And this is just really good too,
if that's not your thing, if you sit at a desk.
Right? Okay, so bring the palms to the knees,
and a little Cat-Cow spinal flex here
from a seated position.
You're gonna inhale, lift the chest.
And exhale, round.
So obviously if you were lying down,
hopefully you're up by now.
Forgot to say that.
Inhale, lift, and exhale, round.
Hey Benji, thanks for joining me.
One more time, inhale, lift, and exhale, round.
This time when you round, stay here
and really draw your nose towards your naval.
Again, stretch through the upper back body
with your breath.
And now, from the pelvic floor, begin to lift up.
So root chakra.
Drawing up through the naval,
up through the heart space,
chin still tucks into the chest,
and then finally we open up through the throat,
up through the third eye,
and the crown.
Great, now.
Big inhale in through the nose,
nice cleansing breath out through the mouth.
Don't be shy.
(exhales loudly)
Two more just like that, don't be shy.
Big inhale, fill your cup, belly gets bigger,
then exhale out with sound.
(exhales loudly)
And one more. Big release here,
big opportunity to release fear energy,
anxiety, big inhale.
Let it go with sound.
(exhales loudly)
Nice cleansing breath, awesome.
We're gonna come forward onto all fours.
Benji's gonna go to this side.
And we'll find Tabletop Position.
Lengthen through the crown,
reach for the tail.
And here we go, bumping the hips to the left,
you're gonna turn your gaze,
draw a line with your nose to look all the way
past your right toes.
Inhale in here, exhale come back to center,
and then all the way over to the other side.
Nice and easy.
And now flow back and forth in your own time,
nice and slow.
And as you do this, see if you can keep a strong connection
through your hands.
Fingers spread wide.
Connect to mother earth.
Trust her, trust her support,
trust that when
traumatic things happen,
sometimes they're wonderful opportunity
to learn and to heal.
You're gonna curl the toes under the next time
you come back to center.
And you're gonna drop the elbows right down
where the hands are.
Heart to Earth pose, inhale, look forward.
Tilt the pelvis up, so tailbone really rotates
up towards the sky.
And then exhale, walk the knees back,
nice and slow.
Heart melts to the earth.
Forehead comes to the ground,
if it doesn't quite make it, that's alright.
Breathing deep here.
Feeling that nice opening through the chest,
the shoulders, feeling the pressure of the earth again
on your forehead and on the fingerprints
as you claw downward.
Toes are curled under here to stretch
through the foot arch.
Breathing deep.
So for me, as I watched the news,
and I do my best to pay attention
and to keep paying attention,
which yoga really helps me to pay attention.
I feel like there's so much that I'd like to do,
but so much that's beyond my control,
so here on the mat I can practice
breath control.
How I experience the poses, the postures.
I'm filling again my cup or my container
so that when it's full, I can serve others,
reach out to help.
Be nice and healthy and available.
Alright, keep the toes curled under,
and you're gonna slowly lift the forehead.
You're gonna come just check into our source,
our power, so you're gonna come all the way forward
into a forearm plank.
So you lift the knees, if that's available to you,
and you're gonna reach the heels back.
And maybe some emotion,
or just some sensation's gonna start to pop up
that's not just physical.
So lift the front body up to meet the back body.
Find support from within,
keep your gaze straight down,
keep clawing into the fingertips,
and breathe deep.
Again, you can control, not trust,
you can control how you react in this
as you shake and breathe.
You can keep your calm, your cool,
neck nice and long.
Trust the experience,
we're here for three, two, and one, awesome.
Bring the knees in, send the fingertips back,
so you're gonna kind of paint your mat
all the way back.
And then nice and easy on one ear,
any ear, you're gonna turn your head,
and my head's gonna be right in Benji's butt.
Breathe deep.
Let your neck and shoulders rest.
Inhale lots of love in.
Exhale lots of love out,
awesome, bring it back to center.
And turn onto the opposite ear.
Again, inhale.
Feel your back expand.
So feel the skin of the back stretch as you breathe in.
And soften as you breathe out.
And you'll finally head to center,
forehead to the mat.
Big inhale, lots of love in.
In the back of that heart space,
just softens as you breathe out.
(exhales loudly)
Awesome, press into the tops of your feet.
Use your fingertips for support,
tuck the chin into the chest,
and slowly roll up.
Great, take one hand to your heart,
and one hand to your belly.
Close your eyes and once again,
nice long smooth deep breaths.
As you breathe in, see if you can feel
the expansion of the lower belly.
Imagine this warmth, or this maybe soft warm light
as you breathe in.
And then just a very natural softening as you breathe out.
Control your breath, big inhale.
And relax.
And one more time. Big inhale.
And release.
Awesome, bring the hands together,
rub them together.
Maybe close your eyes or soften your gaze
to go inward here.
And as you go inward,
tending to that inner light.
Know that there's so many people.
You can also zoom out, doing this with you,
you're not alone.
And you're gonna inhale in,
thanks for the exhale Benji.
And then exhale.
Just place your hands on your face.
Feel that energy
and just, whatever this means to you,
send some good energy out to someone else,
to those in need.
So positive energy breeds positive energy.
And negative energy breeds negative energy.
This is my opinion.
I feel it, I experience it.
For me, it is a truth.
Gently bring the hands down.
So sending negative energy up to people is never good
when there's a catastrophe or a problem.
Like, if you're sending concern or worry.
The best thing you can do for people
if you want to help,
is to really create more positive energy in the Earth.
Right? If you can make donations,
you can send money, great.
But not everyone can.
So one thing you can always do is cultivate
and fill your cup.
Cultivate this positive energy in your cup
and your container so it can overflow
and serve others.
Bring the knees super wide.
Benji, I think you're gonna have to move for this one,
do you mind?
Then we're gonna tend to the upper back body
by coming forward, inhale, extend the crown,
nice and easy movement.
And then exhale round through.
Again, inhale, come forward,
extend the crown, knees are wide.
And exhale round through.
Now on your next one, you might walk the hands out a little bit.
You're gonna inhale, reach the right fingertips forward,
hi Benji.
And then exhale, thread the needle.
So your ears are gonna come to the earth again.
You're gonna listen.
Bring the elbow, left elbow up.
And you're gonna breathe into the upper back body
and try to rotate your heart space up towards the sky.
Inhale lots of love in,
and as you exhale, think about releasing any fear energy,
any anxiety.
Nice cleansing exhalations.
Nice full loving inhalations.
And then slowly bring it back to center,
and inhale, send the left fingertips forward.
Hey buddy.
And then thread the needle.
And so, nice and active in the shape today.
Bend the right elbow up towards the sky,
really try to rotate your heart space
up towards the ceiling.
And breathe deep,
inhale lots of love in.
Exhale to release any fear, any anxiety.
(exhales loudly)
Awesome, and then come back to center.
Nice and easy, walk the knees underneath the hips.
Plant the palms with respect.
Respect to the earth,
trust she knows what she's doing.
And the respect to your body
as you claw through the fingertips,
take pressure up off the wrists.
Curl the toes under.
And slowly lift the tail.
Downward Facing Dog.
When you get there, pedal it out,
nice and easy.
Stretching through the whole body,
your whole container.
Close your eyes and get lost in the sound of your breath.
Send light, send love, send peace and support
out to those by cultivating, to those who need it,
by cultivating it within yourself.
(exhales loudly)
And if we're all practicing this together,
if we're all doing that,
imagine what contribution we can make to the world,
to humanity, to society.
Imagine what our response could be
to that which is way beyond our control.
Alright, inhale, lift onto the tippy toes,
lift the heels, and then exhale drop the heels.
Cleansing breath as you breathe out.
Inhale, lift, exhale, release.
Inhale lift, maybe you bring the audible exhale back.
(exhales loudly)
And two more times.
And one more.
Claw through the fingertips.
Cleansing, drop the heels.
Slowly lower the knees,
Child's Pose, paint the mat down.
And forehead comes to the earth.
Round through the upper back body.
Relax everything.
Let go, a complete and total surrender.
If you want, you can bring your index finger and thumb
together here lightly, softly.
So stay really present here in belasana
as you breathe in and out.
Feel the expansion of the back body.
And feel the release as you breathe out.
Let your breath move you.
It's easy to just kind of absorb
everything that's going on in the world.
And forget to tend to this kind of sacred,
important space within that's,
I don't know about you,
but is my savior.
So close your eyes and imagine a line in the spine
from the tail.
Pinpoint it now.
All the way up through the crown.
And if this shape isn't chill for you,
you can just sit up nicely,
head over heart.
Nice and easy, relaxing the shoulders.
Imagining this line in the spine.
From the base to the crown.
And slowly bring the fingertips all the way
back up towards the front edge of your mat.
Come all the way up on all fours.
You're gonna cross the ankles,
and we're gonna come back into a nice, comfortable seat.
Go ahead and place your feet on the ground.
And again, feel that foot connection
to the earth, called palabandas.
Pressing through the ball joint of the big toe.
The pinkie toe, the ball joint, and the
back two corneres of the heels.
These are in line with the hips.
Benji, everybody.
And then you're gonna swim the fingertips back,
fingertips are going to point towards your bum.
And then loop the shoulders,
wrap the shoulder blades around to support your heart space.
And you might just stay here,
'cause you might feel it man.
Your chest is opening.
You've been rounded forward.
You've been in survival mode.
Bless your heart, I'm serious.
So whatever you've been going through,
this might just feel good to lift the chest here
and stay here.
Or, we're gonna ground through that foot connection,
patabonda, ball joint of the big toe,
ball joint of the pinkie toe,
and the back two corners of the heels
and we're gonna inhale in, feel the expansion,
through all four sides of the torso.
And then exhale, claw through the fingetips,
and slowly lift the hips up.
And you're gonna think of your sits bones, or your bum,
really reaching towards the backs of the knees.
Shins forward.
And you might just come here
or you might continue to lift hip points up
towards the sky.
Up towards the chin,
and then maybe lift the gaze all the way up.
This is going to be a little different for everyone.
I'm definitely feeling tightness
in my pecs and shoulders.
So this is where I'm meeting my appropriate edge.
Be careful that the knees don't splay out here,
but you're squeezing the knees together.
Again, shins forward.
Sits bones towards the backs of the knees.
Take one more breath here,
claw through the fingertips.
And then slowly release all the way down.
Awesome, send the legs out in front.
With the palms face up.
Close your eyes and just feel that flush of energy.
See if you can stack head over heart,
heart over pelvis.
Feet are awake.
Whole body is awake and alive.
Awesome. From here, you're gonna hug the right knee
all the way up and in.
Give it a nice squeeze.
Left elbow comes to the right knee.
And then right fingertips come behind.
And you're gonna look past your right shoulder,
and now look past your left shoulder.
And now from here, you're gonna nod.
Nod the head.
And try to feel that awesome stretch
on the right side of the neck.
And then release.
Hug the left knee in,
last bit here.
Right elbow to left knee.
Go ahead and take the twist,
look past your left shoulder,
and then keep the twist and turn your gaze
to look past the right.
And begin to nod nice and slow.
Feeling that length,
that stretch through the trap muscle
through the left side of your neck.
All the way down to the upper back body.
Awesome, and then release.
Great, send both legs out,
come to lie flat on your back.
Again, one hand to the heart,
and one hand to the belly here.
Just let everything go.
Deep breath in.
And on your next exhale,
relax the weight of your body,
completely and fully into your mat.
Inhale lots of love in.
And exhale to release.
(exhales loudly)
If time allows,
or you're on the Find what Feels Good Membership,
you might stay here for a bit longer.
You might pull the heels up.
For a little hip opener.
But if you're ready to go,
or you're watching this on YouTube,
let's go ahead and bring our palms together,
and bring the thumbs right up to the third eye.
Keep your shoulders relaxed.
Take a deep breath in.
And long breath out.
And finally, drop the thumbs to the heart.
Take a deep breath in.
And a long breath out.
And slowly, come onto one side,
any side, and press yourself up nice and slow.
And keep your eyes closed here.
Stay inward.
Feel it out.
And come up to a nice comfortable seat.
And just notice how you feel.
And smile, pat yourself on the back
for taking this time to not only
take care of yourself and find that peace and love
and support that you deserve,
but you do desire a need in
tumultuous times.
But also to send it out,
send that good energy, that positive energy
out to others.
It's important.
Bring the palms together one last time,
and we take a deep breath in,
and we bow.
(upbeat music)


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Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene - What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, and today...