Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Self Love Yoga | Full Class | Yoga With Adriene

Self Love Yoga | Full Class | Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- Hello, everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene and this is Benji.
Today we have an awesome full yoga class
for you to practice at home.
This practice is a self love practice.
It's very special because it's a little homage,
a little tip of the hat
to the 2017 Find What Feels Good Roadshow.
It's my intention that you return to this practice
regularly and I hope that it helps you.
So hop into something comfy,
look what I'm wearing today,
and let's get started.
(upbeat music)
We're gonna begin our practice today
lying flat on our backs.
Take your time getting there.
Come on down to the ground.
Lay down, lie down.
Tuck your chin slightly.
Just let everything go here for a moment.
We're gonna kind of ease in today,
take a moment to empty our cups
so that we can fill it lovingly, consciously.
When you get down low
let your arms and legs just relax, close your eyes,
and allow my voice to guide you.
We can't always have the perfect time and the perfect space
to do the perfect practice
so whatever's going on around you
or whatever's going on inside
just take a deep breath in and accept it.
Maybe tap into a little inner smile.
Again, if you can, close your eyes
so you can just help yourself go inward.
Letting go of all the things
that absorb our attention for now that are external.
Politely putting them on hold
as you relax your body and begin to deepen your breath.
Today's practice is about
tapping into
the resource
and the magic and the power of a self love practice.
Lord knows it doesn't come easy,
but with the tools of yoga and with the community here,
with Yoga with Adriene, we can remind ourselves
and continue to remind each other
to keep circling back to this super power
as I have been calling it
and create a self love practice
and a relationship with self love
that really resonates to you.
One of the beautiful things about this community
and about Find What Feels Good yoga
is it promotes and is built to inspire.
My main mission is to
inspire authentic self esteem,
authentic self care,
authentic self love.
How you move today is everything.
As you begin to lift your left hand
and place it on your heart
notice how you do it.
Can you be creative, can you move slow,
can you really feel it?
Then same thing with the right hand.
Don't just bring it to the belly
because that's what Adriene said.
Slowly, it helps to slow the tempo down and close your eyes.
Bring your right hand to your belly.
You'll land with the left hand on the heart
and the right hand on the belly.
Allow your elbows and shoulders to stay relaxed here
and start to breathe a little deeper into your hands.
Feel, perhaps,
the rise and fall of the breath grow here.
(deep breathing)
You don't have to do anything
and you don't have to become someone you're not,
which is kind of the theme of our upcoming 30 Days of Yoga
if you're doing this in real time.
Next January we'll be talking more about this
but you don't have to do anything.
Just honor your truth, whatever it is today,
as a way of cultivating self love practice
that's unique to you, that's authentic.
Take a deep breath in and start to wiggle your toes.
Bat the eyelashes open to a soft gaze.
You're gonna slowly rock the head gently side to side,
ear to ear.
See if you can keep it nice and slow.
Filling your cup really mindfully and lovingly.
This practice of self love has been attributed
or kind of has this stigmatism of being bad
or like oh, I have to do this because I'm in survival mode.
This practice is a little bit of inspiration
to implement self love
as a regular part of your life.
You're not doing it because you're
already feeling destroyed,
even though that happens, of course.
But building a life of self love with confidence
and in a way that feels really unique to you.
Bring the head back to center.
We'll bring the palms down gently at our sides now.
Press into the earth.
Press, press, press.
You're gonna turn the toes up towards the sky,
engage the legs. Inhale.
Then exhale S-H sound out through the mouth
as you drive the navel down to the earth.
You should feel the core, the abdominal wall, engage,
empty, empty, empty.
Then inhale, big breath in.
Then again, exhale, navel down to the earth.
Empty, empty, empty, empty, empty,
empty, empty, empty everything out.
Big breath in. Press into the fingers.
On your last one, S-H sound.
Empty, empty, empty, empty, empty.
Navel's drawing down.
I hope you're feeling this
in the core abdominal wall zipping up.
From there lift your knees either one at a time
or both together up towards your chest or your heart.
Yeah, baby. Then scoop the tailbone up a bit.
Then your intuition is always right.
Usually right. Give yourself a big hug.
Find what feels good.
Develop a deep listening with your intuition.
Rock a little side to side, make noise, breathe deep.
Try to take nice, conscious breaths here.
Then as we get going we'll control the breath,
anchoring the mind in this pranayama practice.
Such a amazing tool for self love practice.
Instead of spiraling out of control
we kind of spiral in, gain control of our breath,
tell the brain it's all good,
we're worth loving and worth living
and nothing else.
Slide the hands to the backs of the legs.
Lift the shins just a bit. Create a little space
and you're just gonna give your hamstrings
a little wake-up call.
A little pat down.
Hey, yo.
Then anchor navel to spine.
Aw, Benji!
You came to this, huh?
Anchor navel to spine again
just like you did with the shh S-H sound.
Engage from your center
and then you're gonna rock slowly up
and down the length of your spine.
With practice this becomes easier,
but in the early days
it can be like, "I don't know if I can get up."
Massage up and down the length of the spine.
Then you're gonna come all the way through
when it feels right and come to all fours,
Tabletop Position.
Mmmm. Thanks for joining me, buddy.
Come to Tabletop Position
and find a strong connection
from the crown to the tail.
I need to articulate, sorry.
What does that mean?
Find a strong articulation from the crown to the tail.
Well, start with the hands.
Open them wide.
A lot of people tend to narrow here
so give yourself a good amount of space.
Same with the knees.
You're wanting to stack the bones here.
Lift your front body up to meet the back body by inhaling
and exhaling S-H sound.
Draw it back towards the spine.
Press away from your yoga mat. Keep emptying it out.
Long neck.
Then we wanna create a healthy flow of energy
that runs from the base of the spine
all the way up through the crown.
If the neck is dropping here, feel free to peek at me.
Then we're cutting off that energy.
It's not a healthy flow.
So gaze straight down, lengthen,
and try to keep this in mind throughout our whole practice.
Aight, we're gonna test this by curling the toes under
and drawing the navel up to the spine.
First with the S-H sound.
Inhale. Exhale, draw it up.
Press away from your yoga mat.
There's no collapse in between the shoulder blades.
Quite the opposite. We're lifting the heart space
up between shoulder blades left to right.
One more time we'll test it out.
Exhale S-H sound but this time lift your knees,
let them hover.
Draw the navel up. Empty, empty, empty.
We're here for three.
Feel that heat, that shake.
It's not a sign of weakness.
It's a sign that you're alive.
Two and one, lower.
Come on to the tops of the feet.
Drop the belly. Inhale.
Open the chest forward.
Ah. Cow Pose.
Old familiar friend.
Cat Pose, round through.
Now moving with your breath, my darlings,
inhale to drop the belly.
Open the chest.
Find length. Exhale to counter that.
Chin to chest, navel draws up, find length.
Keep moving on your own.
If you feel brave, close your eyes.
Bump the hips from one side to the other.
Just take a couple cycles of breath
to find movement that feels really good
and that feels really you
and that feels really awesome today.
Move slow.
Might do a Child's Pose.
Might go in circles.
Might come forward.
Waking up through the neck, the shoulders.
Then you're gonna take
this little choreography that you've developed,
this movement that has some self expression,
and that's what's gonna take you up into Downward Dog today.
You're not taking orders from me or from anyone on a video
or as a teacher,
but listening to that inner teacher,
honoring that voice within, your body intelligence.
That's how we'll make our way to Downward Dog.
Breathe like you love yourself here.
Inhale lots of love in
and exhale lots of love out.
Inhale lots of love in.
And exhale lots of love out.
Then turn here. Stick with me.
I know our arms are tired.
Turn to look at the video and look at my pants.
Self love, that's what's up.
Bring your gaze back to center.
Bend your knees.
We're gonna do slow steps.
You're gonna cross the right foot over the left,
walking to the top, and then left foot over the right.
As you do this pay attention to the nuance of it all.
Stretch through the fascia of the foot.
Stretch all the way up through the back.
It's a very humbling move
from the back of the mat to the front.
When you get there, feet hip width apart.
Bend the knees.
Find Uttanasana, Extended Forward Fold.
This move from the back of the mat to the front of the mat,
it's very humbling.
Can be a little challenging or forced.
So this practice really just honors that,
invites you to find humility
instead of forcing.
Clasp the elbows. Rock a little side to side.
Make sure you're breathing deeper.
Four breaths now with your head below your heart.
Shake the head loose.
Then release the arms.
Bend the knees and tuck the chin into the chest.
Roll it all the way up to Mountain nice and slow,
feeling every nuance best you can.
Stay present.
Really root down through your feet
as you stack up through the spine and stand nice and tall.
Whatever you need here go ahead and take it,
fix whatever you need.
Each time you come to Mountain Pose,
and this goes for every practice,
see if you really need that.
Do you really need to do the movement that you're doing
or can you kind of surrender,
root down through the feet and stand up tall?
If the answer is yes, I need to fix my hair
or I need to brush it, that's fine.
But in time just keep that awareness.
Do I need that extra movement?
So we talk about these headlights on the hips a lot.
Imagine I'm not just shining forward
but shining up towards the sky.
Lift your chest and imagine this whoosh of energy up through
the front body and this grounding through the back.
Balance out these two opposing forces here.
Stand up nice and tall.
Tadasana, Mountain Pose.
Close your eyes and shift your weight
a little front to back.
Really feel your feet grounding into the earth
and allow your breath to ground you, as well.
So nice, full, conscious pranayama.
Maybe close your eyes again if you're feeling brave.
And then we'll find stillness.
Head over heart, heart over pelvis.
On your next big breath lead with the thumbs.
You're gonna inhale, reach the thumbs forward
and then up and then back.
So a big V here like you're holding a big beach ball.
Then inhale, lift the chest.
Then exhale, take that big beach ball over towards the left.
Side body stretch.
Breathe. Connect to your center.
We're gonna practice that by inhaling
and then exhale S-H sound.
Draw your navel back to support your spine.
Here we go.
Feel that contraction engaging your center, your core.
You got it.
(deep breathing)
Slowly bring it back to center.
We'll do the same thing on the other side.
Exhale. Stay grounded through your feet
as you take your big beach ball over to the right.
Notice if you're kinda dropping off in the neck here.
You wanna maintain that length.
We don't wanna pinch it
because we wanna create this clear path
for the energy to flow.
Nice healthy flow. Here we go, inhale.
Big stretch, big breath. Then exhale, S-H sound.
Navels draws in.
Focus on the sensation rather than the shape.
Keep length from crown to tail.
Then slowly bring it back up.
Here we go, big inhale.
It's a celebration.
Exhale, Ujjayi, clap the palms together.
Down you go. Forward Fold.
Ardha Uttanasana, Halfway Lift.
Inhale, lengthen your version.
Then exhale to Fold.
Awesome. Bend the knees.
Fingertips come to the mat.
You're gonna step just the right toes back.
Lower the right knee down.
Breathe here, stretch.
You can walk the right knee back a little if it feels good.
Make sure front knee's over front ankle.
Breathing deep.
Maybe soft, easy movement here as you find a little wave.
Then when you're ready, squeezing your thighs together
protect the SI joint
by really hugging everything into the midline.
Then inhale, take that big beach ball up and overhead.
Press into the top of the back foot firmly.
Root down through the top of the back foot.
Then let everything kind of squeeze and lift from there.
The left knee might splay out here
so we wanna squeeze, check that, hug into the midline.
Then big beach ball here.
Inhale, lift everything, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift.
Then you're lifting so much.
Imagine someone's lifting you up
from the fingertips of the wrist.
You're gonna lift, straighten that front leg,
and then paint a wall down
as you come into a Forward Fold here.
Front leg straight,
left toes really flexing towards your third eye.
I said front leg straight to get you in the posture
but now bend the left knee or a little micro bend at least
and press into the top of the back foot and breathe.
Then on your next big inhale drive your heart forward,
look forward, lengthen, and then exhale, fold again.
Awesome. Roll through your left foot.
Really articulate. Find grammar of the feet today,
so really roll through the soles of your feet.
They carry us.
We come back to that nice, low Lunge.
Right hand's gonna come to the earth.
Left fingertips all the way up to the sky.
Big stretch. Reach, reach, reach.
Then exhale to come back.
Plant the palms, curl the back toes under.
Lift that back knee and then inhale, open the chest forward.
Then exhale, step the left toes back.
Plank Pose. Breathe deep.
Press away from your yoga mat. You got this.
We're gonna create a little heat here to warm up the body.
Nice and strong. Left fingertips touch the right shoulder
and then put 'em down.
And then right fingertips touch the left shoulder,
put 'em down. Then back and forth.
The key is to keep your gaze down and slightly out in front
to keep it going, to zip up through the abdominal wall
and try not to move your hips.
I know it's impossible.
Speed it up.
Then release it and slowly lower all the way to the belly.
Oh, yeah.
Slide the hands in line with the ribcage.
Tug 'em back.
Squeeze the elbows into the side body.
Press into your foundation to inhale, lift up, Cobra.
Exhale to fold.
Twice more. Inhale, Cobra.
Tug the hands back. Heart drives forward.
And fold.
Find more ease here, more sukha.
And release, folding forehead to the earth.
Awesome, curl the toes under.
Lift the kneecaps, tone the quads.
Here we go.
You're gonna press up into your power.
When you do you can do this to yourself
or you can quietly whisper, "I am strong."
Here we go, inhale.
Exhale, power up. Press into your power.
Quietly whisper, "I am strong."
Downward Facing Dog.
Awesome. Hips up high.
Bend the knees. Pedal it out.
Stay present with your breath.
This time we're gonna cross the left foot over the right
and slowly walk criss-cross all the way to the top,
waking up through the Achilles, the calf,
the IT as you cross, criss-cross all the way to the top.
Forward Fold.
Inhale, Halfway Lift.
Exhale, Fold.
Really root to rise here.
Inhale, lead with the thumbs. Reach for the sky.
Ground through the feet.
Exhale, clap the palms together, Ujjayi.
All the way down you go.
Forward Fold.
Inhale, Halfway Lift, your version.
Tug the shoulders away from the ears.
Long neck. Exhale, Fold.
Great, bend the knees. Fingertips come to the mat.
This time slide the left toes back
or step the left toes back
and then lower the left knee to the ground.
Take your time.
Front knee over front ankle, start to stretch it out.
Wake up your body,
your container, your vehicle.
Walk the left knee back if you like.
Check your front knee and front ankle.
You may just stay low.
If the Crescent is too much for you today
squeeze to the midline here, work on that stability.
Otherwise let's give it a go.
Squeezing and lifting
we'll press into the top of the back foot
and reach the fingertips up high.
Big beach ball up and overhead.
This is to encourage this external rotation
of the shoulders so wrapping the
shoulder blade around and behind.
Then give yourself an image. It just helps to have an image.
Go through your checklist.
Then squeeze inner thighs to the midline.
Lift up from the pelvic floor, Mula Bandha.
Uddiyana Bandha, navel draws in and up.
We're not dumping weight into that SI joint.
Squeeze left knee, excuse me, right knee squeezing in.
Alright, inhale. Lift, lift, lift.
Imagine two little angels pulling you up from your wrists.
Then we're lifting up from the pelvic floor so much so
that we start to straighten that front leg with ease.
Then palms press forward
and we paint the wall slowly down, down, down, down, down.
Pull the right hip crease back.
Really snuggle that right femur into place.
Flex your right toes towards your face.
Press into the top of the back foot for stability.
Here we go.
Inhale, open the chest, look forward, find length.
Then exhale to fold.
Breathe deep.
Here we go. Dig into your right heel.
Slowly roll it forward.
Inhale to open the chest.
As you exhale, plant the left palm.
And then big inhale for your twist.
Right fingertips reach up towards the sky.
Really try to revolve your heart
all the way up towards the ceiling.
Then slowly bring it back down.
Frame your right foot.
Loop the shoulders, curl the back toes under.
Inhale, look forward.
Lift that back knee.
We're gonna plant the palms.
Lift navel up so think S-H sound.
Lift navel up and then step your right toes back from there.
Great. Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog.
Shift forward on the toes.
Squeeze the elbows in and slowly lower.
Inhale to open the chest, open your heart.
Exhale to make your way back, Downward Dog.
Awesome work. Take a deep breath in
and a long breath out.
Deep breath in
and a long breath out as you slowly lower the knees down.
Bring the two big toes to touch.
Get your knees as wide as the yoga mat.
Then send the hips back.
Child's Pose just for three cycles of breath here.
Breathe long and steady.
(deep breathing)
Then it starts within.
Even if you're tired, feeling like dead weight here.
It starts within your center of gravity.
Exhale, navel draws up.
A little light turns on and we begin to rise back up.
Keep the legs where they are.
Right hand's gonna come to the center
and left fingertips are gonna come
and they're gonna trace all the way across your right arm.
It's like you're pulling a bow and arrow.
You're gonna pull it across the chest,
press away from your right hand
so you're not putting pressure on your right wrist.
You're gonna open up towards the sky.
Try to keep your toes together and the feet pressing down.
If you don't get it as far as I'm going, all good.
Opening, opening, revolving. Opening from the chest.
Inhale and then exhale, release back to center.
Left hand replaces the right
and we do the same thing on the other side.
Draw a line with your right fingertips
gracefully across the arm, the chest,
all the way up to the sky.
The neck is nice and long.
Breathe, inhale.
Exhale, come all the way back down.
Awesome work.
Plant the palms, walk the knees in,
curl the toes under.
Inhale to look forward. Smile.
Exhale, lift the hips up high.
Downward Dog.
Nice work. Claw through the fingertips.
Take a deep breath in.
Lion's Breath, tongue out.
Nice, inhale, look forward.
Exhale, make your way to the top.
You can do the criss-cross again.
You can do Ragdoll or you can start to jump or hop or float.
Your version.
Inhale, Halfway Lift when you get there with your breath.
Exhale to soften and bow.
Inhale to reach for the sky.
Exhale hands to heart.
Length and tailbone down. Stand up nice and tall.
Just take a second to observe your breath here.
Notice how you feel.
And then bat the eyelashes open, bend the knees and let's flow.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, just rain it down any way that feels good.
Move with your breath.
Inhale, Ardha Uttanasana, Halfway Lift. Your version.
Then exhale, flow with your breath.
Awesome. Bend the knees, plant the palms.
Step it back, Plank Pose.
Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog.
So to move with your breath really synchronize here.
Be true to your breath.
Exhale, Downward Dog.
Then inhale lift the right leg up high
as you ground through the left heel.
Three Legged Dog. Claw through the fingertips.
Exhale, knee to nose.
Step it up. Pivot on the back foot.
Front knee over front ankle as you rise up strong.
Big beach ball up and overhead.
Warrior One.
Breathe deep here. Drop your center.
Think upward current through the front body,
downward current through the back body.
Big beach ball up and overhead.
Really press into your feet.
Try to tear the yoga mat apart.
Length and tailbone down.
Engage the inner thighs without clenching the buttocks.
Exhale, Warrior Two.
With the breath, inhale Peaceful Warrior.
Right fingertips reach forward, up, and back.
Big breath, big stretch.
Then exhale to Cartwheel all the way down.
We're returning to that twist.
Back knee can stay lifted or you can lower it.
As you inhale, right fingertips to the sky.
Exhale. Right hand comes down.
Plant the palms, step the right toes back.
Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Up Dog.
Move with mindfulness, with love.
I'll meet you in Downward Facing Dog.
When you get there take a nice cleansing breath.
Imagine all the people
practicing with you all around the world.
Inhale. (inhaling)
Exhale to empty it out. (exhaling)
Anchor the right heel.
Inhale, lift the right leg up high.
Three Legged Dog.
Breathe. Press into both palms evenly.
Anchor navel to spine support. Here we go.
Inhale, lift the left heel a little higher.
Exhale, knee to nose.
Nice, step it up.
Pivot on the back foot.
Take your time.
Remember the archetype here, warrior.
So strong base, strong legs,
and then a little bit of grace.
Nobility on the top.
Big beach ball up and overhead as you're ready.
Work with the energetics lifting through the front body
and grounding through the back. Finding that balance.
Squeeze and lift.
The practice of self love is the balance of light and dark,
up and down.
Inhale, lift your chest.
Keep the strong power in the back leg
as you open up Warrior Two to the right.
Pull the pinkies back.
Inhale. Here we go.
Peaceful Warrior. Reach forward, up, and back.
Keep breathing. Long neck, inhale.
Big stretch, big breath.
And then exhale to Cartwheel all the way down.
Nice work, here we go.
Big twist, right hand to the earth.
Big inhale to lift the left fingertips up high.
Back knee lowered or lifted but it's lifted.
If it's lifted, really reach that right heel back
and then bring it back down,
frame your left foot, plant the palms firmly.
Navel draws up as you step the left toes back.
Beautiful. Belly to Cobra.
Chaturanga to Up Dog
or maybe you go straight to Downward Facing Dog.
Find that external rotation of the shoulders.
Make sure you're not clenching in the jaw or the neck.
Big inhale.
Empty it out.
Make your way to the top. Inhale, look forward.
Exhale to step or hop it up.
Inhale, Halfway Lift, your version.
Exhale to soften and bow.
Inhale to reach for the sky. Maybe hook the thumbs this time.
Exhale hands to heart. Namaste.
Great, if the feet are not together
go ahead and bring them together now
and try not to look down if you do it.
So put eyeballs on the soles of your feet
and just try not to look down.
See feelingly as my mentor shared with me, taught me.
There's magic in what you're doing.
You don't need to look, you know.
Your body is smart.
Then from here we'll inhale.
Then exhale.
That same place we've been moving from, the center,
you're gonna draw it back in space
so that your knees have to bend
and your bum has to go out
and your fingertips have to come forward to balance it.
You're gonna squeeze the legs together.
Really zip everything up tight
and we'll come into yeah, a Chair Pose,
but don't think about Utkatasana
and trying to get that perfect alignment.
Let's just really feel it out. Drop your center down.
Send your hips and your bum back.
Squeeze the legs together.
Big beach ball out in front.
Then just ask yourself what feels more supportive,
rocking my pelvis out or in?
Whew, I can tell you what it is for me.
Sit down a little lower.
Exhale, big open twist to the right.
You're gonna open right fingertips towards the back,
left fingertips towards the front.
Once you have it sit down nice and low.
Lift your chest, drop your hips.
Nice. Now, listen carefully.
From your open twist drop the fingertips down,
right fingertips come down,
and then we reach up, standing one legged Tadasana.
Lift your left knee up high.
If that's not available to you,
you can keep the left big toe on the ground.
No big deal.
If you're in the standing one legged Tadasana
find the balance. This is your Tree Pose today.
This is your Vrksasana.
Here we go.
Moving with grace, inhale.
Exhale. If the toe's on the ground
you can keep it sliding on the ground the whole way.
If you're lifted you might catch some air
in a Warrior Three of your choice.
A little Virabhadrasana Three.
Maybe you catch some air here.
Airplane arms or reaching forward.
If the big toe's on the ground
you just slide it all the way back
and we're gonna meet in High Lunge.
Maybe you catch some air, maybe not.
We'll meet here in High Lunge.
The back heel's lifted this time.
Different than Warrior One.
Once again we find that big beach ball overhead.
Everyone bend your left knee.
Get your center right underneath you.
Then straighten that leg out again.
Alright, here we go. Inhale, squeeze everything in.
Inner thighs to the midline.
Exhale. Open twist to the right again.
Right fingertips back, left fingertips forward.
Then Peaceful Warrior here. Keep the legs where they are.
Lift the left fingertips all the way up and back.
Big stretch.
This is our self love practice.
Bend your left elbow, contract through the abdominal wall.
You're gonna bring your left elbow to kiss your right knee.
Move nice and slow.
Also a little yoga for the brain.
Once you do, I like to do a sound effect here.
You're gonna open up Warrior Two to the left.
Ah. This is a pose we know.
Hallelujah. Peaceful Warrior.
Right fingertips reach forward, up, and back.
Big stretch, big breath.
Then exhale to Cartwheel it all the way back down.
Find your twist. Right fingertips reach to the sky.
Then exhale hands to the earth.
Step it back straight to Down Dog.
Maybe you take a little break here or vinyasa.
Moving with your breath always.
Paying attention.
That's what yoga's all about, right?
In Downward Dog take a deep breath in.
Here we go, big Lion's Breath.
Tongue out. (exhaling)
Don't be shy.
Then inhale to look forward
and exhale to make your way to the top, your version.
Inhale to Halfway Lift when you get there.
Exhale to Fold.
Really drawing the nose in towards the navel.
Great. Inhale.
Thumbs lead the way. Reach for the sky.
Exhale hands to heart. Right in, drop your center.
Send the hips back, bend the knees.
Send the fingertips forward.
Counter balance. Squeeze legs together
and check out what's going on in your pelvis.
You got it. Breathe deep.
Give the thinking mind a break.
Let your body intelligence rule here.
Make adjustments. What needs to happen?
Here we go, open twist to the left.
You're doing great.
Left fingertips go back, right fingertips go forward.
Sink down a little lower.
You got this. Lower the hips.
Nice. Then left fingertips are gonna go down to come up.
This time we rise up catching the right knee
and lifting it up.
Or maybe we keep right big toe on the ground.
Big beach ball, everyone.
Lots of space in the shoulders.
Wrapping the shoulder blades
around the back of the heart space.
Breathe deep here.
Squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift.
Soft, easy breezy in the face.
Maybe slide the right toe
all the way back to your High Lunge
or maybe you catch some air here nice and slow.
Use that shh, that contraction of the navel up
to find maybe a Warrior Three here.
Maybe you don't find or catch some air today
and you do another day.
We'll meet in High Lunge.
Find that big beach ball up and overhead again.
Bend the right knee, get your center underneath you.
Hug that left femur in.
Exhale, open twist to the left.
This is the last one. Open twist to the left.
Then right fingertips reach up and back.
Big stretch, big breath.
Here we go. Bend the right elbow.
Listen carefully, navel draws in so there's that contract again.
Strong center.
Right elbow to left knee. Give it a kiss.
That's your cue to open up Warrior Two to the right.
Awesome, beautiful. Gaze forward.
Peaceful Warrior. Keep the front knee bent.
Inhale forward, up, and back. Big stretch, big breath.
And then Cartwheel it all the way down.
Big twist here, last one.
Right hand to the ground.
Left fingertips reach up high. Big inhale.
Exhale all the way down. Last call for vinyasa.
Take it or leave it.
Moving with the breath.
(deep breathing)
Downward Facing Dog.
Big breath in when you get there.
Empty it all out, let go.
Bend the knees.
Slowly walk the hands back towards the toes.
Walk the hands back towards the toes,
so a little change of perspective here.
Forward Fold.
Nice work.
Inhale, Halfway Lift.
Calm your breath.
Exhale, Fold.
Leading with the thumbs, inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale hands to heart.
Close your eyes.
Again, only take the movement that you need
and do take it if you need it,
but ask yourself, do you?
We're carving new grooves.
It's a bit hard to find these practices of self love
when our grooves are just set so firmly.
This world we live in,
our attention is just look here, look here,
look here, look here.
And we get so lost in those grooves
that we lose track of our own true self grooves.
When we're in those grooves
it really feel like us that feel like home
where we can be confident and aware
and yes, in love with ourselves instead of the opposite.
Everything gets easier.
Everything gets easier when we're in those grooves.
Lift the sternum up to the thumbs.
Open the eyes if you haven't already.
Send your gaze out all the way in front, wherever you are.
You can tell us down below where you are today practicing.
On the beach, in your apartment, in a closet,
at a break.
Bring your fingertips down
and without looking down,
it's gonna be harder than you think,
you're gonna step to the center of your mat.
Have a little coolness, a little calmness
as you kind of create a little magical step here.
Keep your chin lifted.
Gaze forward as you now bring the feet
as wide as your yoga mat.
Then think upward current of energy through the front
and a strong downward grounding through the back
as you bring your hands together.
Then let the toes spill off your mat.
You might feel the coolness of the ground
underneath your toes,
unless you're on carpet, then you can feel the fuzziness
or the firmness of the carpet.
Don't look down.
You don't need to look,
you don't need someone to tell you where to look.
You can be present. Feel your way.
Then we're gonna inhale one last time.
Really lift up from the pelvic floor.
Hug everything to the midline.
Then as you exhale
you're gonna slowly drop your center down in space,
the knees are gonna bend
and they're try to track the middle toe.
You're not gonna look but you're trying to feel it out.
There's gonna come a breaking point
where you have to react
and you have to find support from within
and how you do that is everything.
We're dropping down, down, down,
and then things start to go awry
and bell and whistles and signs start to go off
and we just continue down
and we make adjustments as needed.
Fingertips to the ground.
Maybe you need to lift the heels.
But we did it.
Maybe the palms come together.
Maybe you make this shape,
but maybe it's not this shape for you.
Then find a place where you can be still
for three breath cycles.
Just have so much respect for your body
and whatever shape its in at this moment.
Count 'em out if you need to but three full breath cycles
in and out, in and out, in and out.
We're kind of getting down
to this cool off phase of the practice
with this root chakra pose
which is all about survival,
identity, security.
And then slowly bat the eyelashes open,
release the fingertips to the ground
and very mindfully we're gonna come to a seat,
legs out long.
If you need to massage the hip creases a little bit here
go ahead and do so.
When you're ready
we'll sweep the arms all the way up and overhead.
Then exhale, drape belly over the thighs.
Come to Paschimottanasana or a Seated Forward Fold.
I like to bend my knees here
so you can get into the back body.
But if you want more hamstrings
you can work to straighten the legs.
Close your eyes.
Go inward, breathe.
Thank yourself for taking this time to replenish
and to actively seek to create grooves
and patterns that serve you
so that you can love yourself,
so that you can love another person,
people, every being, but it's gotta start within.
It's just too impossible
if you skip that one vital relationship,
maybe your most important one. Right?
Tight, tuck the chin to the chest.
Release the hands and slowly roll up.
We're gonna zip the legs together here
and go ahead and you're gonna roll back down soon
so go ahead and shift your booty forward if you need.
Send the fingertips forward.
Thriller arms.
Breathe. Then flip it.
Take a little extra stretch if you need.
And then clap it. (clapping)
Interlace. Index finger points forward.
Stretch through the tops of the feet.
Counter all those Downward Dogs
and then slow and articulate through the spine.
You're gonna lower all the way down.
When you get there, hug the knees into the chest.
Give yourself a big hug again.
Exhale, send the left leg out long all the way.
Squeeze your right knee up towards your heart, your chin.
Take it over to the left side.
A little Supine Twist. Open up through your right arm.
Try to get your right shoulder down to the ground.
Breathe into your belly.
Close your eyes.
Then bring it back to center nice and slow.
Again, focusing on the quality of movement
and every transition even.
Hug both knees into the chest.
Option here to peel the nose up toward the knees.
See if you can find that sukha, that grace, that love
in this compact, tight, almost compromising position.
Then we'll release that and find the twist on the other side
by sending the right leg out long
and squeezing the left knee up towards the chest.
Guide it over towards the right. When you're ready
see if you can get your left shoulder down.
Close your eyes, tap into a little inner smile and breathe.
Don't you worry about a thing.
Just breathe, breathe, breathe.
Everything's gonna be alright.
Then slowly from your center coming back through
give yourself one last squeeze
and then we'll make our way to Happy Baby.
A blissful Baby Pose.
You grab the outer edges of the feet,
send the soles up to the sky,
lengthen tailbone towards the front edge
and then just like a happy baby, right, full of love,
innocence, haven't quite carved these grooves,
these patterns yet
that can lead us sometimes to dark places.
It's a part of life.
Here's to a regular practice
that helps us create grooves and patterns,
routes and reroutings
that feel loving, that feel supportive
so that we're prepared.
'Cause when the ball drops, 'cause it does drop,
we're gonna be prepared
and we'll be able to guide ourselves
slowly back to a place of self love.
It'll get easier with practice
and some days that practice will just go out the door.
But luckily we'll be here for each other to remind.
Release, bring the soles of the feet to the ground.
Bridge Pose. Fingertips come towards the heels.
Squeeze an imaginary block between your legs.
Press into the palms and inhale.
Slowly send the shins forward as you lift the hips up high.
Heart opener here
as you snuggle the shoulder blades underneath.
Maybe you interlace, lift, shins forward.
Engage the inner thigh. Soften through the glutes.
Here we go.
Lift your heart or your chest to your chin
and then your chin up to the sky.
Very subtle but yummy move.
Chest to the chin.
Chin towards the sky.
Soften the skin of the face.
Take a deep breath in.
Lift the hip points a little higher.
Shins forward.
Then releasing the fingers
and slowly lowering everything down.
Bring the soles of the feet together and knees wide.
Hands slowly move.
Left hand to the heart.
Right hand to the belly.
Inhale lots of love in.
Exhale lots of love out
and as you breathe lots of love out
send some love to someone who could use it.
Because when we fill our cup
and we have this practice of self love
we're more capable,
more able
to wish that on others, to support others,
to find that peace, that inner peace.
You don't even have to pick a certain person,
just the generosity of sharing that love.
Inhaling lots of love in.
And effortlessly exhaling lots of love out.
Stay here or begin to straighten the legs nice and slow
one at a time.
Maybe windshield wiper,
dialing the toes in and out a couple times.
Exhale to release the arms at your side.
Corpse Pose.
Total surrender to the mystery of life,
to the ups and the downs.
Soften everything.
Grow heavy for just a couple of quiet moments here.
If you made it this far,
you're my hero.
Ya done good and so have I.
We're all in this together.
We zoom in, we zoom out, we zoom in, we zoom out
with the Yoga with Adriene conversation
and the Find What Feels Good community
and it's awesome.
Here's to more of that, to self love,
to cultivating that within
and respecting that practice in one another.
Boundaries, am I right?
Just kidding. Bring the palms together.
With so much love bring your thumbs up to the third eye.
It starts with you but isn't there so much beauty
in kind of zooming out
and seeing oh yeah, we're all in this together.
Inhale lots of love in.
Exhale lots of love out.
Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy
and your self love practice with me and with everyone
in this gorgeous community.
Share this with someone
who you think might be able to benefit from it.
And I'll see you next time.
Big breath, slight smile.
(upbeat music)


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Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene

Movement Medicine - Calming Practice - Yoga With Adriene - What's up everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, and today...