Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Yoga For Digestion | Yoga for When You Overeat! | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga For Digestion | Yoga for When You Overeat! | Yoga With Adriene

Black & Decker 7.2V

- Hey everyone, and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene and today we have
another Yoga for Digestion
or yoga for when you've just eaten too much.
Life is good, it's all good, and guess what,
the tools of yoga and your pal Adriene, we're here to help.
That's the beauty of the at-home yoga practice.
So before you get all caught up in your head
and go down that rabbit hole,
let's just tend to the body with breath
and some good vibes and balance it out.
Hop into something extra comfy.
I highly recommend drawstring pants. (laughs)
Let's get started.
(upbeat music)
Alright buds, let's start
in a nice comfortable seat of your choice.
It's all good, man.
Life is good and you know what's better?
Eating, we're so lucky, grateful that we even get food.
So, if you're starting this practice
feeling hard for yourself, let's try to shift that
into A, gratitude for
the gifts that we have received
and also yeah, for food on the table period,
and we'll just slowly just try to shift our perspective,
find what feels good, really quick easy breezy today,
so sit up nice and tall and we'll start
with just a little Pranayama.
A little moment of meditation of pause
to just really soften through the belly
and sit up tall.
Lengthen through the neck.
Let your hands just rest wherever they fall naturally.
And I just wanna keep it real, like it happens,
you know, we get the best of ourselves sometimes.
We have regrets.
The best way to shift anything, in my opinion,
is to think about being graceful
and also grateful.
So, the two Gs here to the rescue.
And yeah, we're gonna do
some digestive health stuff, of course,
but start with the two Gs and just find a little grace,
so make sure you're not clenching anywhere,
especially in the lower belly.
Let your belly just hang.
Be loose.
And then, seriously, tap into the gratitude.
What are you thankful for?
Give thanks for the things that
you have and the nourishment that you receive.
And we'll cultivate a little mindfulness here on the mat.
Grace and gratitude.
Gracefully and with gratitude.
Moving in slow circles, inhale, come forward.
Chest, heart moves forward.
Exhale, around and back.
Notice how slow we're moving.
Inhale, come forward.
You gotta bring the breath though
and then exhale, around and back.
Now, depending on how full you are,
just see if you can really move from your center,
whatever that means to you.
Maybe you picture your navel drawing a big circle.
Maybe you like that image of the coffee grinder.
Shout out to Bev.
And then reverse your circle if you haven't already.
Go the other way and start to wake up the body even more,
so find some extra movement here on this circle.
Alright, and bring it all back in.
Spiral it all back in.
Bring the hands together at your heart.
Grace and gratitude.
Bow the head to your heart, grace and gratitude.
Feel that deep stretch in the back of the neck.
Keep it soft and easy today.
Excuse me.
And here you go, left hand's gonna come down to the ground
and right fingertips gonna shoot over towards the left,
and then you're just gonna alternate back and forth,
and you can reach out diagonally,
you can reach out to the side,
you can take the classic, traditional side body stretch,
but just find a little back and forth movement
that feels awesome.
And try to keep your belly soft and the breath full.
And the next time your over to the right,
go ahead and find a twist,
so you'll inhale, lengthen,
and exhale, gentle twist.
And then what really brings home
the broccoli or the bacon here,
that was dumb,
is the breath.
So breath down into the belly,
this directional breath, breathing down,
and then keep it smooth even as you breathe out.
Calming any stress or anxiety that might have come,
that might have led you to this practice.
Yeah, and then with nice, easy breeziness,
just come back to center.
We'll take the same thing on the other side.
Super chill, inhale, lift the chest,
and exhale to twist.
Breathe downward into the belly as you breathe in,
and then it comes up and out as you breathe out.
(deep breathing)
Come back to center.
And we repeat.
Hands come to thighs and knees.
We're gonna move in a circle.
Different kinda breath this time.
See if you can find a breath that really is deep
and synchronized with the movement
in any way that feels good.
So, there's no right or wrong here,
just move with your breath.
Aw, and move in with your belly
and if any other sounds or expressions come out,
go ahead and let them.
Hey-o, sorry for the people you're practicing with though,
in case it's gas.
And then reverse your circle.
And if you're practicing this alone,
if you're practicing this alone,
just get all like, oh, freaky deaky,
and if you're practicing this with friends or family,
just go ahead and say hello to them right now,
like, what's up, so glad we're doing this together.
Bring balance to the body.
Alright, and then bring it back to center
and easy twist to the right.
Tuck the chin, roll up through the spine,
big inhale, soft belly.
Exhale, twist.
Big inhale.
Exhale, twist.
Oh yeah.
One more, inhale.
Exhale, twist, and then come back to center,
take it to the other side.
Tuck the chin, roll through the spine.
Make sure you're not leaning back,
so sit, sit up nice and tall
and lift your sternum up.
Inhale and exhale.
And so the breath is active here.
Inhale to lift and lengthen, create space,
and then exhale to twist.
Never underestimate the power
of breathing deeply and consciously in a twist.
(deep breathing)
Alright, after three cycles of breath at least,
go ahead and bring it back to center.
Bring the palms together once again, grace and gratitude.
Exhale, bow your head to your heart.
Awesome, come to lie on your back, nice and easy.
Ooh yeah. Aw yeah, aw yeah.
Sounds are welcome in this practice.
This is at home yoga, man.
Come all the way on your back,
and when you get there, snuggle your shoulder blades
underneath your heart space.
Get comfy, feel supported by the earth.
And then here we go.
We're gonna hug both knees into the chest.
Take your time, scoop the tailbone up,
then hold onto your right knee,
and send the left leg out long all the way.
Let your heel kiss the ground.
Then squeeze your right knee into your chest.
Take big old breath in,
and then as you exhale,
slowly peel your nose up towards your knee.
Breathing deep, try to keep the skin of the face soft.
You can rotate the right ankle one way
and then the other, if you want.
Oh yeah, can you hear my stomach?
And exhale to release.
Great, release the right foot down,
hug the left knee into the chest,
and slowly extend the right leg out long.
Wind relieving post, squeeze the left knee in.
I'm not playin' dude, this is in the books.
This isn't like some weird Adriene stuff.
This is in the books.
Squeeze, inhale.
Slow exhale, slow peeling of the head, neck, shoulders up.
Nose toward the knee.
Keep the skin of the face soft, breathe.
So, we're creating compression now on the left side.
The stomach, you always wanna do
right knee up to the chest first
in case you're doin' this freestyle,
willy nilly on your own without me,
which I support.
Exhale to release.
Oh yeah.
Bring the left foot to the ground,
right foot to the ground.
Take a breather, hands on the belly.
You're gonna walk the feet as wide as your yoga mat
and then bring the knees into touch,
so you can just soften through your belly.
Breathe deep, just breathe.
Close your eyes. We're almost done.
Allow the body to go through its different stages.
That ain't never gonna change.
So don't beat yourself up, don't be too hard on yourself.
Be grateful, be graceful,
and keep creating grooves and patterns that just
keep bringing you back to what feels good.
Alright, press up off the tippy toes
and lift the knees up to the chest.
One final ditty.
We're gonna take the knees over towards the left
and then you're gonna open your elbows up
to cactus arms or football.
Post-Thanksgiving, if you're doing this in real time,
then this is appropriate.
Ah, football goal post arms.
If that ain't your thing, cactus arms.
Breathe into your belly.
If you like, turn onto your right ear.
Close your eyes.
(deep breathing)
Exhale, bring it back to center,
and take it onto the other side.
Last one, you got it.
Try to bring your left shoulder to the ground
as you turn onto your left ear.
Breathe down into your belly.
And then back to center.
One more time, squeeze the right knee in.
Right Side, left leg out.
You can also do left leg on the ground,
I mean, left foot on the ground.
And then right leg out, left leg in.
Both knees in, squeeze.
And exhale to release everything to the ground.
Corpse Pose, yes, rock this Corpse Pose.
Inhale, lots of love in, find a little smile.
It's all good, baby,
and then exhale just to relax everything.
Way to go for taking time to do this video.
Take some more time for yourself.
You'll bounce back. Your body will balance out.
The best thing you can do for yourself
is be graceful and grateful
and enjoy every second of all the gifts
that life is bringing you,
even the ones that feel a little eh.
Just know it's all a gift. It's all a tool.
It's all an opportunity to learn.
And tomorrow's a new day. Deep breath.
And exhale.
My stomach's making noises.
Bring the hands together
and we say, namaste.
(upbeat music)


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