Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Easy Yoga For Beginners ♥ Full Body Gentle Flow

Easy Yoga For Beginners ♥ Full Body Gentle Flow

Black & Decker 7.2V

hey guys welcome to
to beautiful ko wait, thailand
i have an easy yoga flow for you
that will focus on fundamentals of yoga
its perfect for anyone
thats starting out in yoga
anyone thats beginner
or found my other yoga classes a bit too challenging
its also a great class to learn some fundementals
and also
if you're looking for a nice easy flow
to calm your mind and body
this is perfect for you as well
so if you're ready grab a mat gets do this
were going to begin today in a seated position on our mat
starting with seated cat cow
inhale exhale
wonderful coming into seated position
big head roll to the right
big headroll to the left
just warming up the neck
spinal twist
looking over the right shoulder
keep your hips square
switch to the other side
grab the outside of your right foot
with your left hand
bring it up
extending the right knee
if you wanna take the modified version
keep front knee bent
take your twist
look over the right shulder
pull up from crown of the head
awesome come back to center
pull the leg
bend your knee
slowly make your way down to the mat
hug the right knee into the chest
roll ankle around
you can alternate the direction
slowly begin to extend that right leg
keeping the knee bent and then extend
its like your pressing the ceiling away
bend and push
bend the knee and push
in and press
just pull the leg into bofy
the slowly release the head down
lowering the right leg
release the body inhale
flex your feet
exhale pushing the arms down come forward
our seated forward fold
see if your can reach for those toes
and then slowly come back to center
lets take it to the other side
reach for the outside of your left foot
and then again extending the leg out
take that twist
hips are square
come back to center
then bending knee to chest
slowly making your way all the way down
to the mat
roll out that ankle
from here go aide grab your calf
pull the knee into your chest
and then push the ceiling
away from you extend that leg
bending the knee and then press
push it up
hold it here point your toes
just feeling that stretch
remember to breath
then slowly releasing the leg
reach give yourself a big stretch
rolling yourself up to seated
holding and breathing here
reach for those toes
lengthen up
coming into seated crossed legged position
inhale arms up
big side stretch
reach left arm over
slowly switching to other side
inhale exhale
sit bones grounded on mat
lengthen through side of body
coming back to center
inhale big reach with the arms
exhale come all the way forward
walk hands to the top of the mat
allowing your chest to come down
head down towards the mat
slowly come back up
from here bring legs around
cat cow
exhale arch the back
coming into downward dog
walk out the downward dog
letting go of any tension you may feel
in those hamstrings
slwoly hold it there
inhale exhale
walk to top
inhale exhale
do a rag dog where you sway side to side
releasing the hands
add head movement
then side to side
letting go of any tension in the neck
see if you can go a little bit deaper
grab toes if possible
pull head towards the knees
just keep holding onto the backs of your legs
awesome let go of your feet
bend your knees and slowly roll up
inhale reaching the arms up
reach up exhale dive it down
inhale half way up
stepping left foot back
warrior 1
hips are square
eagle warrior cross right elbow over left
arching the back elbows touch the knee
inhale look up
brinf elbows to knees
releasing the arms reach them up high
reach them up to the sky
stepping forward
inhale arms up
exhale swan dive to the floor
inhale half way
exhale bending the knees stepping back into plank
take your chaturanga
baby cobra or full upward dog
bring it down
come on up to your knees
sit back to childspose
come on up to all fours
cat cow
tuck toes come to downward dog
slowly from here walk forward to the top
releasing the hands
head to your knees
interlace your fingers behind the back
shoulder stretch here
hand fall forward to the floor
allow head to come close to the knees
roll up to standing cobra
opening chest and heart
coming back to center
inhale reaching the arms up
exhale hands to heart
inhale arms up
dive it down to your mat
inhale half way
stepping right foot back into warrior 1
left knee over ankle take eagle warrior
inhale open the chest
exhale get elbows right down
moving body with fluidity
come back up
reaching both arms up hold
stepping forward top of mat
inhale arms up
exhale dive it down
inhale half way
exhale bend the knees step back to
baby cobra
come back down
push back to knees
sit back to childs pose
take a moment to breath in
exhale roll yourself back up
come to the mat
extending left leg out right knee bent
inhale reach the arms up
exhale go ahead take your left elbow to the inside of your left thigh
opening through the side of the body
come back up to center
stack the knees together
inhale and then exhale come forward
right knee stacked over left knee
you're allowing the forehead to come as low as you can
great stretch for the hamstring
come on up
knee to chest take spinal twist
hugging knee with left elbow look over the shoulder
switch sides
right elbow to right thigh
fingers reaching for the toes
think of looking to sky
coming back up
left knee over the right knee
folding forwrd

spinal twist
looking over the shoulder
lengthening through the spine
returning back to center
coming toward top of mat
make your way all the way down
hugging knees into chest
take a rock side to side
bring soles of feet togethr
reaching arms over head
take a moment to breath
bring knees together
inhale and exhale roll over to the side
coming over to the seated position feet crossed
resting hands on knees'
head roll
inhale big reach with arms
palms together exhale hands to heart
one more time
fill lungs with oxygen
exhale all air out
thank you so much for joining me today
on our beautiful yoga practice
i hope you enjoyed it and i wish you the most lovely day


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