Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Perfect Yoga For Everyone ♥ 20 Minute Relaxing Flow

Perfect Yoga For Everyone ♥ 20 Minute Relaxing Flow

Black & Decker 7.2V

hey guys welcome to your island vibe yoga
we are on a beautiful island of Koh Kut
and I got a yoga sequence for you today thats really
good just to rebalance
and recharge your mind and body
this particular yoga class us great to do after a cardio challenge
or a brazillian butt lift challenge
however if you wanna do this on its own
its also wonderful to do on its own
so if you're ready grab a mat and lets do it
were going to begin on a seated position on your mat
crossing feet in front take a second to breathe
exhale let it go
right ear to right shoulder
right over the left ear
pulling right ear down
breathe in exhale switch
left arm up and side stretch
lets switch to other side
stretching the neck here
right arm reaches up side strehc
side stretch to the other side
come back to center
both arms up exhale take it all the way down
rolling yourself up
transitioning over to our hands and knees
both hands coming to top of the mat
allowing the chest to come down to the floor
hips over the knees
from here come over to your elbows
baby cobra
and pushing back to puppy pose
chest down
keeping the forhead on your mat
see if you can look up towards the mat
lets come back to baby cobra
look up
push into the mat
puppy pose
tuck your toes lift into downward dog
begin to walk it out on the spit
make sure you walk your feet out a little wider
were going to get into a twist here
first take right hands grab outside knee
look up
same thing to other side
bran right knee or ankle
hold on tight start to twist
looking up towards the sky
come back to downward dog
bringing feet a little closer together onw
deep breath in
exhale rounding through into plank
upward dog
exhale downward facing dog
from here walk it forward
top of the mat
standing forward fold
take hands behind head and rock
side to side
letting go of any tension
in the neck here
release the hands lets go a little deeper
pull the forehead to your knees
grab the ankles if not grnabthe back of knees
just keep breathing here
rounding up
inhale arms up
exhale hands down o heart
inhale one more time
reach the arms up
dive it to the floor
inhale half way
step left foot to the back of mat
exhale slowly extend front knee
inhale come back to lunge
exhale push and extend
backto lunge
flex the from foot
awesome slowly coming forward
drop the back knee
half split
flex the right foot
some thing forehead to the knee
wonderful lets come back to your low lunge
hands coming over to knee and push
as you look up to the sky
deep breath h in tuck he back toes
arms reaching up
take your right arm behind the back
reaching left arm to side of mat
coming forward and around twisted high lunge
replacing the hands
turn back foot extended side angle
just keep breathing
one more time when ready
turn back foot and twist
right hand releases back down
turn back foot extended side angle
comign forwward to warrior 2
peaceful warrior
take it back
warrior 2
extending front knee
reaching forward
open the palms triangle pose
you wanna think of stacking shoulders and hips
come back up
warrior 2
release the right hand to right knee
left hand comes to the floor
come down as low as you can
push the right knee away from you
turning from foot inward
side lunge
extend the left leg
look up
turing right toes out
warrior 2
arms down
pivot trun to high lunge
slowly hands come down
stepping back to plank
upward facing dog
exhale downward facing dog
take a little moment here walk it out
walk forward to top
forward fold
bring your right foot back to lung
breath in exhale extend
working with the breath
exhale tension out of your body
bending back knee
pushing back to half split
flexing the front foot
body reaches over the leg again
slowly coming back to lunge
tuck your back toes
hands to that left knee
open the chest
lift back knee up high lung
lefta rm behind the back reach over the right
release it all the way down into our twisted lunge
extended side angle
slowly come back down
one more time twisted high lunge
slowly release
turn the back foot
extended side angle
reach right fingers to top of mat
open the hips
look right up to the sky
slowly come back up
push the knee away from you as hips come low
from here extend turn the toes
bonding left knee come to side lunge
let hips sink low
extending the left knee
heel toe feet and take wide legged forward fold
this time if you like to bring hands through your legs thats great
back to center
rounding through he spine
turning left toes out
warrior 2
pivot high lunge
come back to plank
deep breath in exhale come to top of mat
sit right over to your mat flex your feet inhale
exhale seated head to toe forward fold
grab toes if you can
scoot to t o top and then come down
hug the knees take a second to breath
relax into the mat
spinal twist left knee to chest
across the body
returning to center
switching legs
spinal twist
look over right shoulder
just breathing here
if you feel any adjustment in your back down worry
come back to centre release
let go of our body
come up to seated
thank yourself for your amazing practice today
for making this time for yourself and your health
thank you guys namaste
and remember if you like this video
feel free to give it a thumbs up
share our subscribe to our channel for more videos
see you soon!


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